Sign - the mantis flew into the apartment

Those who believe in signs, believe that the mantis is the conductor of information from the other world into the world of the living. Many more events are associated with him, which can happen to people after his appearance.

Mantis in the apartment - good or bad?

So, the mantis flew into the apartment - is it a good sign or a bad sign? To understand this, it is worth following the behavior of the insect. Many paid attention to the fact that he makes movements with his paws, similar to those that are characteristic during prayer , hence his name is a mantis. And then he folds his paws on his chest, which, in their opinion, indicates that he brought a certain sign from the higher forces.

  1. If the mantis flew out the window, they say that this is a good sign: he will bring happiness, prosperity and luck to the house, and all its inhabitants will be healthy.
  2. When this insect sits on the hand or on the head of a person, it is considered that the higher powers will help him to achieve success and happiness in life and will protect himself from troubles.
  3. If he got into the apartment where the newlyweds live, you should expect to be added to the family.
  4. Praying mantis stayed on the windowsill - a good sign, as it indicates that in the near future one can expect good news.

However, not everything is so good, and with this insect you have to be extremely careful and cautious, so it is worth to get acquainted with the warnings that connect the people with these unusual insects.

All the signs connected with the mantis are usually correlated with luck and happiness. At the same time warn that it is impossible to kill a praying mantis in any case, since it threatens with serious troubles, losses and failures.

But since the sight of this large enough insect in many causes fear, you can get rid of the mantis by gently covering it in a jar or glass, and then letting it go to the street.

It happens that the tenants find a dead mantis in the house - this is a bad omen. Many believe that this way the higher powers warn people that soon someone from close relatives will leave this world. In order to overcome the disaster, in this case, it is necessary, it is believed, to take it carefully and throw it into the street, and to visit the church itself and put a candle and pray to the health of the whole family.

Praying mantis in the house is a good sign, but only if you find a living insect. You can not offend him, and if you are unhappy with the neighborhood with him, carefully get rid of him.

It is worth noting that both good and bad signs come true only if they are believed. If you do not focus on them, then nothing will happen.