Chicken soup with vermicelli - caloric content

Most nutritionists recommend eating light soups that will promote the proper functioning of the digestive system and intestines. One such is chicken soup with vermicelli , caloric content of which is negligible, and therefore one can not be afraid that he will somehow affect the figure.

Than useful soup?

Thanks to the beneficial properties and quick assimilation of all the ingredients, soup on chicken broth is recommended to all people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Also, doctors prescribe it to restore the patient's body in the period of illness and after the transfer of operations. In this case, the calories in the chicken soup is small, and therefore, you can use it often enough and without fear of getting better.

You can make soup using different parts of the chicken, but most often it is brewed from the breast. This option is indeed dietary. Chicken soup with noodles from the legs or other parts of the body has a slightly higher calorie content. In this case, if you want to reduce the fat content in the first dish, then it must be filtered. You can remove the fat by another way - remove the top layer from the broth.

How many calories in chicken soup?

Calories in chicken soup with vermicelli can range from 40 to 84 kcal per hundred grams of product. It depends on what ingredients are added during cooking. So, for example, the use of meat, noodles, herbs and spices will give you up to 40 kcal, and if you add a few more mushrooms and potatoes, then the figure will become even greater. In this case, its nutritional value will look like this: about 6 g of protein, 5 g of fat, and about 7.5-8 g of carbohydrates.

Chicken soup with noodles, the calorie content of which can fluctuate not only from the composition, but also from the type of meat, can be quite fat. It depends on whether you have removed the meat from the meat or not. It is in the skin contains the largest amount of cholesterol, and therefore it is desirable to remove it before cooking.

How to cook broth?

To cook chicken soup with vermicelli, the calorie content of which will be minimal, but with the maximum content of nutrients, you need the following:

  1. Fill the brisket with plenty of water and bring to a boil.
  2. After the appearance of noise, drain the water and refill with clean water again.
  3. Boil the bacon until it is cooked. If desired, you can strain the broth, and then add a little potatoes (and preferably without it), vegetables and noodles.