Increased red blood cells in the blood

Blood from the finger is surrendered very often. It is necessary after or during the treatment of diseases, before the operation or during pregnancy, to control the level of hemoglobin, which is contained in red blood cells - erythrocytes.

Many people know that if hemoglobin is low, it means that the body lacks iron and it is necessary to replenish the reserves. But what if the red blood cells in the blood are raised, what are the causes of this, and whether treatment is needed to reduce this indicator?

The value of red blood cells and the norm of their content in the blood

These cells take a direct part in the respiration process, as they transport oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all organs, it is necessary that there be a certain amount of these cells in the blood.

It is believed that the normal for an adult human per 1 liter of red blood cells should be:

Insufficient red blood cells in the blood are called erythropy, and elevated erythrocytosis or polycythemia.

Why in the analysis of blood red blood cells are raised?

A person who is looking after his health will certainly be interested in why he has a high level of red blood cells in his blood. Having noticed this, you should consult a hematologist who will identify the following causes of this pathology:

Since there are a lot of causes that cause an excessive amount of red blood cells in the blood, only a specialist can determine what triggered this process exactly from you and to prescribe the necessary treatment.

Elevated red blood cells - treatment

Naturally, it is the increased quantity of erythrocytes in the blood that is not treated separately. This can be removed, only eliminating the causes, that is, diseases or factors that provoke the production of extra cells.

It is necessary to control the quality of water (so that there is not too much chlorine) and the volume of liquid drunk per day. An adult needs to consume at least 1 liter, and at a high air temperature, even 2 liters.

If there are problems in the work of the stomach, add fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet. This will help not only in the regulation of the production of red blood cells by improving the digestive process, but will also promote the formation of red cells in the correct form.

Since the increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood is the formation of thrombi, in some cases it is recommended to perform bloodletting procedures with the help of leeches , pricks or incisions.