Can I give icons - the view of the church

In the modern world, people have different attitudes towards religion, so before you give a person an icon, you need to find out exactly how he relates to this topic. If a person is a believer and the theme of God is not indifferent to him, then the face of a saint can be a good present.

Are icons presented as gifts?

Since ancient times, when faith and the church for man were the main landmarks in life, the tradition was widespread, giving each other icons . It was believed that such a gift would give a person happiness, well-being, and also bring peace and love to the house. The image of the saint was considered a wonderful amulet of evil forces and an alien negativity.

In order to find out whether it is possible to give icons, it is worth turning to the opinion of the church, which is considered the most objective and correct. Priests consider such a present a good one, but only for a true Christian. You can give it not only to blood relatives, but also to friends, colleagues, superiors, and others.

Understanding whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, it is worth paying attention to the topic - which image should be chosen for this purpose. Let's dwell on several popular icons in more detail:

  1. For baptism, you need to present a dimensional icon as a gift, which will protect the person throughout life and bring happiness to his life.
  2. Often icons are given for the wedding, and in this case it is worth choosing the image of the Lord our Almighty and the Blessed Virgin. Faces of saints will protect the new family from different negative. Such icons can be passed from generation to generation.
  3. On the anniversary of the wedding, Christmas and other holidays, a wonderful icon will be a family icon that will protect the whole family at once.
  4. If you want to give a gift to a sick person, then for this purpose choose an icon that helps to quickly cope with ailments.
  5. A family where there are no children for a long time is worth donating an image that will help correct the situation and give them a miracle.

Many people are interested, you can give icons as a gift to a person who does not have them in the house. If he is a believer, the present will be quite appropriate and it is best to choose the image of the Savior and the Mother of God in this case. It is important to present a gift with a pure heart and good intentions. Remember that the icon is not an object of decor and not an accessory, but an opportunity to turn to the Higher Powers for help.

And finally, it is worth to find out whether it is possible to take icons as a gift. If such a gift provoked only positive emotions , and there were no negative thoughts, then be sure to thank the person for such a gift and put it at home.