Sign - to catch a bouquet of the bride at the wedding

A wedding is an important event in the life of any person. And before it was even more important, because then, as a rule, they entered into marriage once and for the rest of their lives. Therefore, people were very afraid that joy can turn into misfortune, and the reason for this was seen in the possibility of evil eye or some other energetically harmful influence on the newlyweds.

Signs about the wedding bouquet

Wedding customs in different nations are simply saturated with ways to protect themselves from the evil eye . These include, for example, the Russian custom of scolding (reproaching) newlyweds in special song songs. The same goal - to protect from the evil eye - served and veil, which once completely concealed the bride, hiding from the evil eye.

There is a theory according to which a bridal bouquet is also a kind of amulet. How to make a bouquet of the bride, signs advised in some detail. Since they have not reached us before, it is difficult to judge about this. Maybe there were some traditions. Although most researchers believe that the bride began to appear in public with a bouquet and throw it into the crowd to save her outfit. At that time there was a belief that happiness will bring the element of the wedding dress of the bride. So, so that her dress is not torn to shreds, the bride and throwing flowers.

Catch a bouquet of the bride at the wedding - a very favorable sign. It is believed that the girl, who is so lucky, will marry next. True, we must do everything according to the rules (but this is not the rules of the rite, but the requirements of justice). The bride must turn around her axis three times, as if in blind manners, to lose orientation in space, and to throw the bouquet , without opening her eyes in the direction of unmarried adult friends standing behind or around her.

A catch to catch a bouquet at a wedding is very tenacious, despite the fact that it is clearly recent. And it is not surprising, because most girls are not averse to getting married sooner. The girl who caught the bouquet was very happy. She should have carried the bride's bouquet home and stored in dried form, putting it in a vase. Then she could hope that the bouquet of the bride would bring her luck.