Signs and superstitions about love

Lovers always doubt the sincerity of their couple's feelings, and at the same time are afraid of losing his favor. Due to this, a lot of superstitions were born and will take about love , which will tell you how to do it in any case (otherwise the gap is guaranteed), as well as how to behave, where and when to meet and even what kind of ink to write love letters. All provided, take and use for the good of your bonds!


To meet with the faithful is very useful at midnight on the growing moon. This will help bring the wedding closer and make it as soon as possible from the boyfriend of the groom. And if the growing moon has acted and you are being offered, do not allow the intervention of another woman - the one who interrupts the lover in mid-sentence will also become his wife, only a little later.

According to the signs and superstitions of the wedding proposal is best to do on Friday night, and on the engagement to declare on Saturday.

In no case, lovers can not speak through the threshold - this will lead to misfortune, and kisses on the landing and stairs - to strife and rupture. Letters of love content can only be written in blue paste.

Before the wedding, lovers can not be photographed together, and if you are engaged and the groom gave you a ring, it should not be measured and worn until the day of the wedding. According to the signs and superstitions about the ring the most terrible thing is to lose them.

One of the most common superstitions concerns gifts - do not give the groom gloves, a knife, watches and brooches. This will lead to great personal tragedies.


According to wedding superstitions, on the day of the wedding the groom should put a coin inside his boot, which should be there all day. Then the coin is selected and carried with them as an amulet to attract money.

The bride on the day of the wedding can not look at herself in the mirror in full attire. For example, she can wear a dress, but without a veil, or do not wear gloves.

On the day of the wedding, you can not get up between married people - it will destroy their fragile bonds. And an empty box of the underworld of rings, should take the unmarried girlfriend of the bride.

When leaving the home of weddings or churches, sprinkle young grains - wheat or rice. This - to prosperity.

To the marriage life was happy, on the wedding day the bride must cry. And it is desirable that these are tears of happiness from the instructions of the parents, and not hysterical streams from the pre-wedding hassle. And the mother of the bride must give her some kind of family relic, which should be with the young all the wedding day as a mascot.