Signs of breast cancer

Breast cancer is a scourge of modern women. He takes many lives, being an insidious disease, as it is most often detected in the late stages, when something is almost impossible to do.

In the risk zone of a woman who never in her life gave birth or gave birth to her first child, being at the age of 30 years. In addition, the danger is great if one of your close relatives has an oncological disease.

Age is also considered a risk factor, although recently breast cancer affects not only women after 50 years. It is often possible to find cases when breast cancer affects young women at the age of 30 and even younger.

Whatever it was, the earlier the disease was discovered, the more chances you have for a full recovery and a normal long life. In this regard, you need to pay attention to the signs of breast cancer. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Among the main external signs of breast cancer: densities in the mammary gland, discharge from the nipple, change the appearance of the breast and increase the axillary lymph nodes.

Seals in the mammary gland

This symptom is the earliest sign of a breast tumor. You can feel it at home. Based on the practice, in 80% of cases of breast cancer, women independently detected a tumor. And, fortunately, not always the detected tumor turns out to be malignant.

But in connection with the sharp rejuvenation of breast cancer, one must be very vigilant to signs of breast cancer in women, avoid self-treatment and not delay with a visit to the doctor.

Discharge from the nipple

When the tumor has already formed, the mammary glands can begin to separate. The peculiarity of such secretions in their independence from the phase of the menstrual cycle. At first they do not particularly bother the woman, but sometimes it comes to the fact that the woman is forced to wear special pads in the bra.

By the color of the discharge can be transparent, yellow-green, bloody and even with impurities of pus. Shortly thereafter, small wounds appear on the nipples, which eventually turn into large ulcers, affecting not only the nipple, but also the entire area of ​​the breast.

Changes in the appearance of mammary glands

If at the stage of detection of seals and secretions from the nipple a woman does not go to the doctor and does not begin treatment, the disease passes into the next stage, when the shape and symmetry of the nipples and breasts changes. Changing and the structure and color of the skin on the chest. Sometimes the skin can begin to peel off - this is a characteristic sign of breast cancer.

To verify the changes in the mammary glands, you can do the following: standing upright, raise your arm above your head and pay attention to the skin of your chest. If dimples appear on it, orange peel or strong wrinkles, and the breast itself changes shape, this indicates the advanced stage of cancer.

The breast can become flat, elongated, with the nipples drawn. And the more retraction, the larger the tumor.

Increased axillary lymph nodes

If you find enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits - immediately go to the doctor. Often the first symptoms of cancer are so insignificant that a woman stubbornly does not want to listen to them, persecuting her thoughts about the likelihood of cancer. But the tumor continues to grow and affects the tissues around itself: cellulose, skin, ribs, lymph nodes.

Over time, there are severe pains, and when they are no longer strong, the woman finally goes to the doctor. But time is already irretrievably lost, and the treatment gives a small result.

With the timely start of treatment, in 90% of cases, you can completely recover from breast cancer . Therefore, one does not need to be given panic and, especially, to close in oneself and refuse to help. Just help in the first stage guarantees you a successful effect and recovery.