Adenocarcinoma of the uterus

Adenocarcinoma of the uterus body is called a malignant tumor, which arises from the inner layer of the uterus. The worst development is observed when the tumor is spread in the deep layers of tissue and therefore timely diagnosis is significantly hampered. According to statistics, only 76% of patients in the study show a positive result.

Types of adenocarcinoma of the uterus

There are three main types of this disease:

  1. Highly differentiated uterine adenocarcinoma. In this case, there are not so many cells that are different in structure from normal for a given kind of tissue. With highly differentiated uterine adenocarcinoma, only an increase in cell size and an extension of their nuclei are observed.
  2. Moderately differentiated uterine adenocarcinoma. If the disease is of this type, then the polymorphism of the cells already becomes clearly pronounced, which means that cells with an atypical structure become more and more. With moderately differentiated uterine adenocarcinoma cells are in a state of active division.
  3. Low-grade adenocarcinoma of the uterus. As in the previous case, the polymorphism of cells is clearly expressed. Now there are signs of the body's acquisition of pathologically altered tissue.

Cervical adenocarcinoma: treatment

The first symptoms of uterine adenocarcinoma can appear at the last stage of the disease. Most often, a woman notices the discharge from the vagina with a very unpleasant odor, pains begin in the lower abdomen. As a rule, a rapid process of losing weight begins, a woman feels pain in her back and legs and often complains of pain during sexual intercourse. To diagnose this disease, use the following methods:

The danger is that the adenocarcinoma of the uterus is hormone-dependent, because it often occurs in women aged 50-65 years in menopause. Tumor cells tend to spread to adjacent tissues and other organs. Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the uterus largely depends on the degree of disease and age of the patient. In the first stage, when the tumor is located in the body of the uterus and does not affect other organs, remove the uterus along with the appendages. When the entire body of the uterus is affected and the second stage of the disease begins, the nearby lymph nodes are also removed, since they can have metastases. In later stages, the tumor is treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In this case, the woman is constantly under the supervision of specialists.

Recently, for the treatment of adenocarcinomas, the uterus began to use hormone therapy. This method is used when the prognosis for uterine adenocarcinoma is unfavorable. If the patient's condition does not allow the use of surgical treatment, radiotherapy is used. With relapses or distant metastases, polychemotherapy is prescribed.

For prevention of oncology, it is recommended to apply measures to reduce the risk of developing a tumor of the uterus. A woman must necessarily treat all chronic diseases and normalize her weight. Necessarily revise the diet, in the menu you enter a large number of fruits and vegetables, fermented milk products.

To reduce the risk of cancer can help exercise and active lifestyle. It is necessary to learn to calmly perceive all stressful situations and comply with the regime. A woman should understand the importance of a constant visit to a gynecologist and compliance with all prescriptions.