Products containing potassium and magnesium

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death across the globe. The lack of ecology, as such, stresses, a crazy life rhythm, constant rush and, of course, an unbalanced, overcrowded fast-food and half-finished food - all this contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, this list can be supplemented with another important point: as it turned out, in the diet of most people there is an obvious shortage of potassium and magnesium, and these two elements are responsible for the health and safety of the heart. In order to avoid this deficit, we now figure out which products are most potassium and magnesium.


It turns out that it's not difficult to provide yourself and your entire family with potassium-containing products, just consume every day something from this list:

The combination of potassium, calcium and magnesium is very valuable in products. This kind of set can provide you with hard cheeses. As you can see, potassium can be found in most typical products for our region. It remains only to find out how much we need:

The norm for an adult healthy person is 2 grams per kilogram of weight. For pregnant women, the norm rises to 3 g, and for children - 20 mg / kg.

With products containing potassium, we sorted out, came the turn and magnesium:

Both potassium and magnesium are found in meat and dairy products. For greater health benefits, we recommend you still choose non-fatty foods, since no amount of potassium will help to remove all fat after dinner with fried, fat pork.

The apple juice is famous for its potassium content, and the peel of apples is useful for cleaning blood vessels and will serve great prevention of atherosclerosis.

Daily rate of magnesium:

Products that lower potassium and magnesium

If you consume a lot of coffee , strong tea, and also bend the stick with sweet, you can be sure that consumption of potassium and magnesium in products will not help you. The aforementioned beverages lower the level of all microelements. In the same way, there are also pickles, alcohol and carbonated water.


Where potassium and magnesium are contained, you, perhaps, already remembered. And now we will dwell in more detail on their usefulness.

Everyone knows that potassium and magnesium are microelements of the heart, we will consider in what processes they participate:

Here is an incomplete list of their functions. Impressive?

If there is not enough potassium and magnesium in your diet, the myocardium begins to swell, it is more problematic to relax and contract, and its nutrition and oxygen supply deteriorates. Do not torture your body, it will thank you for every useful product. Refuse from harmfulness, they will not lead to anything good, consume only fresh and healthy products, and most importantly - take care of your heart in advance, then it may be too late.