Folk remedies for colds - how quickly to get rid of the symptoms of the disease?

Medicine, which is called folk, uses for the treatment of colds funds from natural raw materials: these are infusions, decoctions. Known and medicinal properties of berries, used in fresh and processed form: in compotes, jams, fruit drinks. Compresses, hot baths, inhalations are widely used.

How to quickly get rid of colds?

The best way to cure a cold is to strike it "on all fronts." As soon as the first signs are indicated, immediately it is necessary to begin the increased consumption of fruit berries, with a high content of vitamin C, among which are lemons, oranges, apples and berries, but cranberries are considered more effective. Catarrhal diseases relatively quickly pass through the use of essential oils, which are added to the bath, drip onto the wrists, and inhale their healing aromas. Always help herbal teas with nutritional supplements and preparations made from natural ingredients.

Than to be treated for a cold?

Traditional healers use a large set of medicines that can be manufactured at home and used to treat respiratory-viral diseases. The centuries-old history has proved that any of them is an effective remedy for cold, showing medicinal qualities depending on the method of preparation and its destination. The form of the preparation and the dosage of the components included in it are determined by the severity of the disease. For treatment are used:

Tea with ginger for colds

Ginger has become very popular as an effective folk remedy for many ailments. In its composition, a complex of substances has been found, which give medicinal properties to the preparations from the root of the plant. Anti-cold tea with ginger is considered to be especially effective. It has many properties:

There are many recipes for the preparation of folk remedies for colds; among them having a great healing power is classic ginger tea, for which you will need:


  1. The root of the plant is washed and cleaned.
  2. Grind on a grater, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist for about an hour.
  4. Add honey with mint.

Kalina for colds

The healing properties of viburnum are highly appreciated from ancient times. They help to defeat the common cold much faster. Berries contain vitamins A, C, E; and a lot of iron needed to prevent anemia. The official pharmacopoeia recognizes that viburnum is one of the most effective folk remedies that overcome colds.

To treat and restore the strength after the disease, all parts of the plant are used, and the force of the action of the "calamine medicine" is such that it is recommended as a remedy for a cold of rapid action. With a strong cough or bronchitis, infusion of honey helps, where the proportions are taken arbitrarily. Prepare it simply:

  1. Berries of Kalina rub well.
  2. Mix berry gruel with liquid honey.
  3. Insist for at least two hours.
  4. Use it for 1 tablespoon. several times a day after meals.

Garlic for colds

Incredibly strong antiviral effect is possessed by garlic. Its unique composition, containing proteins, fats, fiber and a set of valuable elements, among them zinc, magnesium, iodine. It promotes an active fight against harmful microbes. Garlic kills viruses, due to the presence of phytoncides and essential oils, strengthens immunity , has a diaphoretic effect, replenishes the body with vitamins. With colds, often starts a bad cold, get rid of which will help the drops in your nose, cooked on the basis of garlic folk method.

To make the medicine you will need:


  1. Garlic must be finely chopped with a knife, squeezed through a garlic press or chopped in a mortar.
  2. Pour the garlic paste with boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for a couple of hours.
  4. Add the milk.
  5. Apply - every 48 hours.

Cranberry from cold

This berry is truly a storehouse of vitamin wealth. It is extremely useful, the content of vitamin C in it is not inferior to citrus, and the set of organic acids, vitamins and micronutrients not only actively struggles with the disease, but also allows you to quickly recover from the disease, replenishing the body with energy and health and in a short time to restore lost immunity. At the same time, many believe that drugs based on cranberries are the best folk remedies for colds and flu.

Berry excellently reduces heat, has an antimicrobial and tonic effect and is recognized as a leader, not without reason, in the fight against respiratory, viral diseases and influenza. As a rule, it is used in any form. Delicious and useful medicine can be considered cranberry juice, which is an excellent sweatshop and an effective folk remedy for normalizing temperature.



  1. Pour water on crushed cranberries.
  2. Put on the fire, give a boil.
  3. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add a little sugar or honey.
  5. Drink a week, several times a day.

Lemon for colds

Citrus, and especially - a lemon rich in vitamin C, phytoncides and essential oils, is actively used in the fight against colds. It is not a medicinal product, but it can have antibacterial effects. Good lemon helps at a temperature: it helps to reduce it, getting rid of joint pain. Remarkable antiviral folk remedy is lemon and honey: the fruit with the peel is ground on a grater and combined with honey. You can take daily small portions.

Honey for colds

Although the choice of anti-cold medications is wide, in non-traditional medicine, honey remains one of the most effective. Many believe that it is the best remedy for cold and flu. It is recognized that it gives relief during a strong cough and reduces its intensity. "A bouquet of usefulness", which contains honey, has a health, restorative and antimicrobial effect.

The only, but serious obstacles to its use for treatment are individual intolerance and a tendency to allergies. Folk remedies for cold include a well-known drug from milk and bee products, which are used to treat adults and children. For him use:


  1. Heat the milk, not letting it boil.
  2. In the milk, add butter and honey.
  3. To stir thoroughly.

Mulled wine for colds

Traditional medicine allows the use for the treatment of adult drugs, in which alcohol is present, referring to mulled wine, which is an alcoholic beverage and has excellent taste and medicinal qualities. It is used much less often than other folk remedies for colds, but this does not reduce its properties, the main one of which is warming, with the effect of releasing the body from harmful substances.

Mulled wine - a recipe for colds



  1. Add spices to the water.
  2. Boil.
  3. Wine pour into the water with spices.
  4. Add honey, mix well.
  5. Blend the mixture and turn it off.
  6. Leave to stand in the container under the lid for 10 minutes.
  7. Before use, strain.
  8. You can add small pieces of apple and orange.
  9. Pour into tall glasses and take hot.

Raspberry jam from colds

Berry-raspberries are good and useful in fresh, and in fruit drinks, broths and in your favorite raspberry jam. Since ancient times, this delicious aromatic berry is used to treat colds: it is an excellent antipyretic and vitamin remedy. Tea with raspberry jam at a temperature is an indispensable remedy for the common cold.

Bath with mustard for colds

Many recognize that in addition to medicines, mustard baths are effective for the prevention and treatment of colds. Mustard powder perfectly warms up the body and "expels" the flesh, but the tub with mustard can not be taken at high temperature, as it provokes its further increase. For maximum benefit, you need to properly prepare a bath:

Essential oils for colds

Recently, essential oils have become increasingly popular, which are also used to combat colds. It would be wrong to say that aromatic oils were not previously used for treatment, but they are found only now. Most of them are used as additional treatments, so you need to know exactly which essential oils can be used for treatment. As the most effective anti-cold medications, they are used: