Cystitis - treatment with folk remedies

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. The sensations during this illness are so unpleasant that it is simply impossible to miss it. Pain in the bottom of the abdomen, stinging and burning during urination, an admixture of blood in the urine and a constant desire to empty the bladder - all this quickly exhausts and prompts to take measures for treatment. It so happened that cystitis occurs more often in us, women, than in men, because the urethra of the first are shorter and wider than those of the latter.

Usually, a urologist, depending on the cause of cystitis, prescribes medicines, among which there may be both usual anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and antibiotics, and antifungal drugs. And almost always in support of the main treatment against cystitis are recommended folk remedies.

Traditional medicine actively uses the experience of folk treatment of cystitis, because it is considered to be an effective method of quickly getting rid of annoying symptoms.

Traditional methods of cystitis treatment

The problem of cystitis goes from the depths of centuries, as the anatomical structure of female genital organs has to this problem. Among the folk remedies in the treatment of cystitis in women can be identified:

  1. Warming up the inflamed bladder (heating can be done with a bag of calcined table salt or oatmeal, warming baths with the addition of a urological bouquet of herbs are also considered effective).
  2. Phytotherapy (especially recommended are phytogens based on yarrow, bearberry, birch leaves, licorice root, parsley seeds, etc.).

How to treat cystitis with folk remedies?

Recipes of traditional medicine help not only in the treatment of acute cystitis, but also in getting rid of its chronic manifestations - relapses. Treatment of chronic cystitis is carried out by the same folk remedies as in the case of acute, only more prolonged courses - 1.5-2 months in 2-4 weeks. For treatment, you can use both ready-made chemist's urological fitosbores in bags, and self-cooked herbal decoctions. Here are some ways how you can cure cystitis with folk remedies:

At the time of cystitis treatment, it is advisable for a woman to limit sex, prevent heavy lifting and eliminate alcohol, coffee, salty and spicy foods and carbonated drinks. It is recommended to increase the volume of liquid due to the consumption of simple non-carbonated water and phyto-tea.