Signs of November about the weather

November is the last month of autumn. This is an amazing period when the autumn season gradually gives way to winter. At this time, thaws are almost not observed, rains are replaced by snowfalls, leaves are thrown off by the remains of leaves, and ponds are covered with ice. November is the month in which people have been closely following the changes in nature. The annual analysis of the data allowed our ancestors to add observations, which still work to this day.

Signs for the winter of November

The old signs of November are able to tell a lot about the upcoming winter:

Signs about November

  1. If November 1 will be cold and snowy, then it's to a late and cool spring.
  2. Winter frosts will not occur until at least one leaf falls from the cherry tree.
  3. If this month the first snow falls, hanging from the roof - it necessarily all melts.
  4. Birds long circling in the sky - to the snow.
  5. If birds took the lower branches of trees - wait for strong gusts of wind.
  6. Stars in the night sky have a multicolored ebb - to a long bad weather.
  7. A night frost promises a day without precipitation.
  8. Low clouds - to a sharp cold snap.
  9. Crows for a long time can not calm down - they predict strong frosts.

Other signs related to November

Our ancestors believed that every day of November is able to notify about weather conditions and inform about the nature of winter, spring and summer. Some such information has come and before us. With the help of them you can independently make accurate predictions.

If the first of November turns out to be a warm and sunny day, you can expect a soft spring. Winter in this case will come into full force in 4 weeks. On the fourth day a clear day fell - expect a snap. Snow November 18 foretells a frosty fierce winter.

Much can tell November 21. If the weather on this day is clear - there will be a severe winter, a foggy morning - to the nearest thaw, snow on this day heralds a spring with frequent rains. Snow on the 23rd day foreshadows a severe winter.

Pay attention to the last day of the month: the winter will be exactly the same.