Hot sandwich with egg

Hot sandwiches with eggs are prepared quickly and easily, but they are deliciously delicious, original and satisfying. They can be a great breakfast or a kind of snack for beer. Let's take a look at several recipes for cooking this dish.

Hot sandwiches with egg



So, for the preparation of such sandwiches, the eggs are pre-cooked hard-boiled. Then we cool them, clean them from the shell and finely chop them. Green onions are washed and also crushed in cubes. Slices of bread or loaf grease with a thin layer of tomato paste or any ketchup .

We sprinkle our sandwiches with chopped eggs, on top we spread the green onions. Cover each bread slice with thin slices of cheese and pour Mayonnaise on top. Bake the dish in a preheated oven, or reheat it in the microwave for about 6-10 minutes, until the cheese is completely melted. Ready-made sandwiches are served hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs, for breakfast or snack.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with egg



Black bread is sliced ​​in small slices and fried lightly on the warmed vegetable oil. The yolks are carefully separated from the proteins. Whisk egg whites with a mixer until a very dense and thick foam forms. Now put the billets on the baking sheet, sprinkle with milk, salt and pepper to taste. Then we spread first the whipped protein, and then gently in the middle place the egg yolk. Put the sandwiches into the oven for 20-30 minutes until the yolk has completely hardened.

Hot sandwich with egg and cheese



Another option is how to make a hot sandwich with an egg. From the loaf cut a piece about 2 cm in size, cut out carefully the crumb. Frying pan heat, melt butter, lay the workpiece, break the egg, salt, top with sausage cut into strips, salt cucumbers, sprinkle with cheese and cheese on low heat until cooked.