10 games with cereals - how to take a child in the kitchen?

Of course, the kitchen - this is the most dangerous place for quick and restless kids. However, not many people think that it is here without any coercion, during the preparation of breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can teach the child, as well as develop his fine motor skills , thinking and fantasy. Strangely enough, but in the kitchen you can find a lot of ideas for developing games, which will not only be useful, but also very interesting for the child occupation.

10 games with cereals - how to take a child in the kitchen

  1. Give the child two different containers, preferably, of course, not beating, and also a table and a teaspoon. In one of the tanks, pour some grains and show the baby how to pour from one container to another with hands, a tablespoon, and then a tea-spoon. Ask the baby to repeat and he will easily figure out what to do.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the mango and some beans. Give the child a small sieve for the extraction of the "treasure". Ask the baby to find the beans and put it in a separate container.
  3. In the kitchen, you can do unusual painting. To do this, you need a tray or a flat dish, as well as any cereal, for example, mango or buckwheat. On the surface of the tray, pour a little manga and evenly distribute a thin layer. Demonstrate the baby, how to draw a finger with the simplest figures: squares, triangles, diamonds, circles, flowers, etc. This is not such a simple game as it may seem, and the power of children of two years. If you see that the child successfully copes with the task, complicate the technique. For example, make a finger on the track and ask the child to fill them with croups of other flowers.
  4. Remember the episode from the fairy tale "Cinderella", when the wicked stepmother poured grains on the floor and forced the poor girl to sort them out on different plates? You can also play with your child. Mix several kinds of cereals or legumes in one plate or tray, for example, buckwheat, peas, lentils, beans, etc. Ask the child to disassemble them on different plates. This game develops children's attention and perseverance, which in the future will help them easily master such elementary things as button fastening or tying shoelaces.
  5. You can play the game "Find a Couple". To do this you will need a glacier or an egg tray, as well as several types of cereals. We make in the tray a blank of one row of different cereals and fill the same grains in small plates. Ask the baby to sort the cereals by shape or by color.
  6. Invite the child to play with plasticine (you can replace the salt test ). Make a cake that suits you size, and show the baby how to decorate it: push the various elements into the mass, creating an arbitrary masterpiece or embodying some artistic idea.
  7. In the next game we will need a color manga. To make it you will need gouache, vodka, well, the manga itself. For 2 tablespoons of vodka 5 spoons of mango. We mix all the ingredients well, let the manchs dry out, and then sift through the sieve. Invite the baby to color the prepared drawings, or create your own masterpiece. For this, on a sheet of paper, draw with glue-pencil, fall asleep with a manga and blow off excess.
  8. Mix in one plate beans, for example, with buckwheat. Give the baby several vessels with different necks. Ask the child to find in a plate beans and lower them in turn to all the vessels.
  9. For games in the kitchen and fit pasta. In foam or in a sponge for washing dishes, stick two toothpicks and ask the baby to fill them with pasta. You can also make beads out of pasta, dressing them on a string or any other thick thread.
  10. After all the games, pour all the cereals into one medium size basin and ask the baby to trample them with legs. This game stimulates the active points located on the feet of the baby.

Believe me, all these games will very quickly entice your child in the kitchen, and you can safely cook a delicious meal for the whole family!