Yoga for Women - Gita Iyengar

Gita Iyengar is the daughter of the famous yoga master BK S. Iyengar, who is the creator of the Iyengar Yoga . This kind of yoga is one of the safest and harmonious, not requiring fanatical hours of work. Iyengar yoga is very popular in the world, in many ways, due to the efforts of B. Iyengar.

His daughter Geeta for 35 years studied diligently with her father and, subsequently, became a successor to her father's business. Gita has created a separate direction of yyengar yoga exclusively for women.


Gita Iyengar says that yoga for women is much more important than for men. It means physiological necessity. From the point of view of psychology, women often experience complexes and depression, they have to give in to men, to be weaker, more submissive. Meanwhile, stress is placed on their shoulders, connected with the whole family, because women are much more worried about all the men in the world.

In addition, yoga, according to Gita Iyengar, helps to cope with the constantly occurring in the female body hormonal changes. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth - all this is a huge load.

In female ayengar yoga there are special complexes that should be performed during menstruation (it is known that during menstruation one can not become inverted poses), separate exercises for pregnancy and postnatal rehabilitation. Each asana helps to get rid of pain, psychological discomfort, problems with well-being (dyspnea, nausea), and also will regulate metabolism .

Yoga for femininity

And a little about what will give regular classes of women's yoga:

Gita Iyengar says that yoga can be practiced at any age, but it is still desirable that the practice of female yoga begin at puberty. Then yoga can alleviate the physical condition of the body, which abruptly begins to mutate, and also purify the blood, which at this time is overflowed with hormones.