Pigeons are talking about - a sign about the weather and the future

Each corner of our planet has an individual history related to the birds. The pigeons were tied up - a sign that bears a certain kindness and stability. What other interesting news can birds bring and what they warn about.

People's signs, if pigeons were bunched up

This wonderful bird has long been considered a symbol of good and the world, it can not bring anything bad. Most motorists, caring about the appearance of the car, negatively regard the attention of the winged. Turning to the superstitions associated with them, most modern atheists will change their attitude towards peace-loving babies.

Pigeons were talking about what this phenomenon is happening to. God's messenger is sensitive to any change in the atmosphere. Before going out, pay attention to the behavior of birds, if they hide under the roofs of houses in clear weather, the rain is approaching. If pigeons are bunched up or strolled under the windows, you can safely lay out raincoats from the bag. And if they appeared at the wedding - the family will be strong and happy.

Sign - pigeons on the windowsill coo

Grandmothers still believe that if a bird is sitting on a window sill, wait for good news. Although many say that the bird sitting in front of the window knocks at the window, calling death on a loved one, one should not believe this, on the contrary, the bird predicts the approach of happiness. The pigeons were bunched up - to be good weather and happy moments on this day. It's time to get surprises from relatives. Track the bird if there is a grass or twig in its beak, financial profit is approaching.

Folk signs about birds pigeons

Pigeons are often compared to human souls that carry different messages. Some mystical actions are accompanied by the presence of birds. Many witches use winged babies on sacrifices. Signs about pigeons living in the courtyard of their own house, talk about abundance, a pair of birds - about a happy family life. What will the representatives of the feathered world say:

The dove sat on the windowsill - what's this for?

When a feathered friend settles near a window, nothing bad is not foretold. The sign - the pigeon on the windowsill bears good news about the approach of wealth and prosperity. Until the bird is near the house, fires and misfortune can not be afraid. In the Bible, the pigeon is marked as a harbinger of good news, so there is no need to offend and drive the birds, there is a risk of bringing trouble to the family. Based on observations, it is known that birds do not fly to bad people. The pigeons were tied up, which meant that God's grace had condescended to the family, there was no chance to improve life.

Sign - the pigeon hit the window

This behavior of the bird shows that pleasant news is expected. In order not to get bad news, you can not fixate on the appearance of a bird outside the window. As you know, thoughts materialize , do not program negative. The dove hit the window and flew off good. It is advisable to open the window and allow changes in life. If the guest was white, one can not go on a scandal with close people, there is a risk of serious discord in the relationship.

Sign - the pigeon flew out the window

Shy birds rarely fly into homes, permanently closed windows further reduce their appearance. However, when this happened, unexpected guests come bringing important news. White feathers portend pleasant changes in life, but the black guest promises problems at work. Why does the dove fly to the window, what can we expect from such a visit? If a bird sits on the windowsill for a long time and looks with interest at the apartment, a loving person mentally wants to be there. If the pigeons are bunched up, the sign is good and good luck - the main thing is not to be afraid of anything.