How to make jam from a tea rose?

Pink jam - it's unusual, very useful, but also delicious. It's not just a treat, this jam is incredibly useful for kids, who often have stomatitis. How to properly cook jam from a tea rose, read below.

How to cook jam from the petals of a tea rose?



We remove the rose petals, put them in a bowl, pour half of the sugar. Hand rubbing the mass until the moment when the petals begin to release the juice. Now pour in the lemon juice. In a warm place we let it stand for 4 hours. During this time, the mass is mixed several times. Then cook the syrup: in the water, dissolve the remaining sugar and bring to a boil. The resulting solution is poured on the petals, mixed again and allowed to boil. Fire switch off and leave the mass until it is completely cooled. Then again boiling, turn off the fire and allow the jar to cool completely. This can be done several times, until the desired density is achieved. The last time we give the boil to boil and pour out the prepared jars. And only when it is completely cool, roll up the jars and send for storage.

Tea Rose Jam with Citric Acid



The washed and dried pink petals are mixed with citric acid, add about 250 grams of sugar and leave the watch for 6. The remaining sugar with water is put in a saucepan and brought to the boil and dissolve the sugar. We lower in the sieve the petals of roses and boil on low heat for about 15 minutes. Willingness is checked by the petals - they will soften well, and will not float on the surface. We pour out the jam from the tea rose with citric acid hot in the cans and close.

How to make a jam from a tea rose?



Washed and dried pink petals are poured over with sugar, add lemon and leave for 24 hours at room temperature. Pestle knead the petals to a homogeneous state and spread them along sterile jars. Top with sugar. About 200 g of sugar goes to one half-liter jar. We put it in cold storage.

Jam from yellow tea rose with mandarins



We peel the tangerines from the skins, divide them into slices and remove the white veins. Peel shredded thin strips. In the bowl multivarka pour washed petals and fill them with water. In the "Soup" mode, cook the petals for 15 minutes. To the boiled petals, add sugar and stir. We pour mandarin crusts, slices of tangerines, cut into pieces and in the "Quenching" mode, we cook about 40 minutes. After that, we spread the jam from the tea rose in a multivark on the prepared sterile jars, roll them up and put them away for storage.

How to close the tea rose jam with honey?



Prepared rose petals are poured with boiling water and for a quarter of an hour weighed on low heat. And then we let it brew for about 24 hours at room temperature. After this, the resulting pink mass is mixed with honey, put on a small fire and cook until homogeneous. Ready jam poured over prepared jars and close. Keep it in the cold.