Acetone in children - treatment at home

In addition to common colds and SARS, children from 1 to 14 years old often have a so-called acetone. This condition, called acetonemic syndrome, is quite unpleasant for the child and causes reasonable concern for the parents. Let's learn about the causes of ketoacedosis in children (this is another name for acetone) and the peculiarities of its treatment.

The essence of this syndrome is a significant increase in the number of ketone bodies in the urine and blood of the child, triggered by a lack of glucose. In this case, the acetone itself is not a disease, but only a symptom. So, it can manifest itself with food poisoning, viral infection, severe stress or overexcitation. Even excessive consumption of sweets, saturated with chemical dyes and preservatives, can lead to negative consequences.

The main sign of acetone is a repetitive vomiting, not associated with meals. A child can tear even from water. A distinctive symptom is the distinctive odor of acetone from the mouth. To accurately diagnose ketoacedosis at home, special test strips are used.

Increased acetone in a child - treatment at home

Treatment of acetone in children is possible at home. To do this, you must strictly follow several mandatory rules.

  1. A sick child should not be fed, instead let him drink as often as possible, but in small doses. Effective are compotes of dried fruits or raisins, alkaline water of the Borjomi type.
  2. If you can not stop vomiting, try making a baby soda enema (for a liter of water, take 1 teaspoon baking soda).
  3. Increase the content of glucose in the body will help her 40% solution - it is sold at the pharmacy. Glucose in ampoules can be diluted with water or consumed internally in pure form.
  4. Once the content of acetone in the urine is reduced to normal, you can begin to treat the child with a diet:

But remember: if your child has a very high acetone content (3-4 "plus"), frequent vomiting, and you can not remove this condition without medical care, this is an indication for urgent hospitalization. The acetone crisis is fraught with intoxication and dehydration, which is very dangerous for children, especially small children.