Cough in the morning

For many people, the morning awakening itself becomes a real test. And if to him also an attack of a cough is added. Among other things, it makes you tensed and seriously worried about the understanding that such a problem can not arise without cause.

Because of what can torment dry cough in the morning?

There are quite a lot of reasons for the appearance of the disease. Very often smokers suffer from it. This is perhaps the most relevant explanation of the morning cough. At first, seizures appear infrequently. But the more "experienced" the smoker becomes, the more regularly he has to wake up because of the body's desire to clear the lungs.

There are other factors that have a cough in the morning:

  1. Exposed to the problem of asthmatics. Attacks torment them throughout the day, including in the morning.
  2. Sometimes a cough begins with the use of ACE inhibitor drugs. If such a side effect occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  3. Cough with phlegm, appearing in the morning, may be a manifestation of an allergy or a viral disease. At night, all systems of the body function more slowly, and therefore the mucus is produced, but it can not be removed from the nasopharynx and bronchi - as it happens during the day.
  4. It's no secret that coughing can be a sign of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, for example. Accompanying the problem may be heartburn and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

Coughing up blood in the morning

The appearance in the expectorated sputum of blood veins on people is terrifying. This can really signal serious problems:

But it's not too early to sound an alarm. First, check if there is a wound in the oral cavity, and if the teeth do not bleed. Quite often a snag in these factors.