Encefabol for children

Encephabol is a nootropic drug that acts in such a way that the reduced metabolism in the brain tissues is enhanced by the capture and utilization of glucose, the metabolism of essential acids is increased and brain cells are released from excess substances that have a retarding effect. In addition, this drug enhances blood circulation in the brain and oxygen in its tissues, blocks the production of free radicals. Such properties of encephalol ultimately improve memory, restore metabolic processes in neural tissues, increase brain activity and performance.

Encephabol: indications for use

Basically, this tool is prescribed for various disorders in the brain, in which the child lags behind in mental development, which manifests itself in memory impairment, inhibition of speech development, inactivity or excessive excitability. In addition, encephabol is used to eliminate the effects of encephalopathy, encephalitis, cerebrosthenic syndrome, and also in oligophrenia.

Encephabol: dosage for children

The drug is available in liquid and solid form, but pediatrics use a convenient form of encephalbol - a suspension for children. Its dosage depends on the patient's age and degree of injury.

The use of encephalitis for an infant is possible from the third day of life. In the first month, the baby is given 1 ml of suspension per day. A two-month-old baby is prescribed 2 ml of the drug, and then another 1 ml is added every week, bringing the daily dose to 5 ml. Patients aged 1 to 7 years are prescribed 2.5-5 ml 1-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Children over 7 years are prescribed a daily dose of 2.5 to 10 ml 1-3 times a day. Possible the use of tablets. One dose in this case is 1-2 tablets.

Encephabol, a syrup for children, should be drunk during meals or after meals.

The existing contraindications include sensitivity to the main substance of the drug - pyrithinol, kidney and liver diseases, autoimmune diseases.

When taking encebo, the appearance of such side effects as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sleep disturbances and rashes may occur.