Dandelion - medicinal properties

Dandelion is a medicinal plant that has gained a reputation as an "elixir of life". For medical purposes, use both the root and the aerial part of the plant - from the raw materials are prepared decoctions, infusions, syrups, extracts and even wine. Being edible, the dandelion perfectly complements salads and snacks, also jam is made from it - tasty and useful.

Composition of dandelion

The curative properties of dandelion are determined by its composition. The inflorescence of the plant contains:

The root of the dandelion is rich in inulin, glycerins of linoleic and oleic acids, sterols, bitter glycoside taraxacin, carotene, ascorbic acid. Milky juice of the plant is a storehouse of trace elements: boron, calcium, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, phosphorus.

Therapeutic properties of dandelion

Medicinal properties of dandelion are used in the fight against colds, skin diseases, anemia, hypertension , diabetes, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis, eczema. Bitterness, contained in the plant, improves digestion, awakens the appetite and stimulates the production of bile.

Tincture of dandelion flowers has found application in cosmetology - the agent perfectly copes with acne and papillomas, and also helps to whiten the skin, making pigmented areas and freckles less noticeable.

Procurement of raw materials

For the preparation of medicines most often use the root of a dandelion or fresh flowers. The roots are harvested in the spring (before the appearance of foliage) or late autumn. After digging, they are cleared from the ground, cut off the side roots, carefully washed. Then the raw material is dried and passed through a meat grinder. Mass spread on a baking sheet with a thin layer and dry, stirring occasionally. You can dry the roots without crushing them beforehand - then before using the raw material it will be necessary to cut it finely.

Treatment with elixir from dandelion

From freshly picked dandelion flower medicinal flowers prepare the elixir - recipes for its preparation are given below.

It will take 1.5 kg of sugar and young flowers of the plant in a volume equivalent to a three-liter jar. Sugar rub with raw materials, insist 3 weeks on the windowsill, then filter.

The resulting elixir is added to 1 spoonful in tea - this treatment is effective for hormonal imbalance.

In the treatment of rheumatism, the same remedy is used, but an infusion of one and a half weeks in the refrigerator. Take it an hour before the meal for 1 spoon once a day.

Treatment with dandelion roots

Useful properties of the dandelion root are used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - to improve appetite, normalize bile secretion, in the fight against constipation. A spoon of raw material is poured with boiling water (1 glass), like tea. Drink after 20 minutes, pre-filtered. In a day you need to drink 200 ml of decoction from dandelions, dividing the dose into 3 - 4 doses.

Dry roots of plants in the form of a powder are taken on a spoonful three times a day for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Since the powder is very bitter, it can be seized with honey or syrup.

Application of tincture from dandelion

Tincture from the roots of the plant is prescribed for furunculosis, skin rashes, acne and other conditions, caused by a metabolic disorder.

The spoon of the crushed rootlets is poured in water (1 glass) and boiled for 20 minutes, and then the half hour is cooled. A filtered product is drunk three times a day before a meal in half a cup. The drug from the flowers of a dandelion, prepared according to the same scheme, it is useful to wipe the face in the morning and in the evening.

To treat acne and papillomas, tincture from dandelion flowers on triple cologne is prepared - freshly picked flowers are rammed into a jar or bottle, poured with cologne. Two weeks the drug should be infused in a dark place. Ready-made preparation treats acne and skin rash; it is also useful to lubricate sick joints at night.