Lime tea

About medicinal properties of lime-colored folk healers knew from time immemorial. Lime tree is a strong natural antiseptic, because even a tree growing outside the window reduces the risk of infectious diseases to a minimum. What to say about lime tea, which in a few hours relieves of fever and reduces the symptoms of cold. Let us consider in more detail how useful this beverage is.

Properties of lime tea

The curative effect of the drink is associated with the composition of the linden blossoms: they contain besides provitamin A and vitamin C, also sugars, tannins, farnesol, thanks to which the flowering tree smells nice, as well as glycosides of hesperidin and tiliacin. If we talk about what useful lime tea, it is worth noting it:

Drink is in demand not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine: doctors prescribe it for colds as an antiplatelet agent.

What will cure lime tea?

Drink, acting as a sedative of natural origin, helps to cope with insomnia , neuralgia and headaches (including migraines). Useful properties of lime tea will be appreciated by people suffering from hypertension: the drink normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole.

With a warm decoction of lime blossoms it is useful to gargle with pharyngitis or tonsillitis (angina), and tea, brewed in a thermos, relieves dry cough and bronchitis as soon as possible.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired metabolism, lime tea will also come in handy: it acts as an antioxidant, and also normalizes the release of bile into the intestine and the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

How to make lime tea?

For brewing tea, use dried linden flowers, which can be harvested from summer on their own or purchased in ready form at the pharmacy.

For a cold, lime tea with the addition of mint leaves and raspberries helps best (raw materials are taken in equal proportions). One and a half spoonfuls of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water, but the drinking pattern varies. If you, having a cold, are forced to go to work, then lime tea is drunk at night for two glasses. Those who comply with bed rest, it is useful to drink three cups of broth throughout the day. As already mentioned, the drink has a diuretic effect.

To improve metabolism, a lime blossom is brewed together with corn stigmas and raspberry leaves. For one tablespoon of dry raw materials (the ingredients are taken evenly), one has to have a glass of boiling water, and make such a lime tea in a thermos. A drink is taken before each meal. It not only has a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, but also normalizes water-salt metabolism.

Contraindications to the reception of lime tea

Because fake flowers are a natural product, they are suitable for almost everyone, but people who have individual hypersensitivity to this plant, the reception of broths is contraindicated.

It is worth noting that the linden is stronger than other trees, absorbs dust and toxins contained in the air. Therefore, plants are often planted along carriageways, where they perform the function of a natural filter. If from the flowers collected in such places, make lime tea, it will not bring benefits, but only harm and give the body all the accumulated harmful substances. Preparing a medicinal decoction is possible only from environmentally friendly raw materials.

Lime tea is a powerful remedy, therefore they drink it only during the period of illness. You can not replace them with regular tea. Phytotherapy with limes and parallel taking other medications should always be agreed with the doctor.