Slopes from plasterboard

After the house is installed new windows or doors, the appearance of the slopes leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it becomes necessary to decide which material is best to be made of. You can plaster the plaster, trim with plastic or sheets of plasterboard. Finishing slopes of windows and doors with plasterboard has both pluses and minuses, which are better to know in advance.

Advantages of door and window slopes from plasterboard

One of the main advantages of design of openings with this material is its universality. Drywall is perfectly combined with plastic windows and doors, and with metal and wood. In addition, it can be covered from above with any material or painted as you see fit.

Drywall is an excellent means of quickly completing repairs, because it's easy to work with. In addition, this material can be used both for finishing wide and narrow slopes.

We should not forget about one more significant advantage of drywall - its value. Often, slopes of this material can afford almost everything, its price does not frighten.

Disadvantages of gypsum board slopes on doors and windows

It is also necessary to take into account a number of negative aspects of gypsum board as a building material during repair work. For example, it does not have high strength. Proceeding from this, it should be borne in mind that if the escarpment is damaged in some place, it will not partially recover.

Slopes of plasterboard should not be installed on windows and doors in those rooms where the humidity is above 75%, otherwise the fungus can form under them. In addition, this material can not be called durable, after a certain time, you will need to repaint it.

Another caveat that must be considered before starting work with gypsum plasterboard: the dust formed during its cutting has a negative impact on the eyes and the airways of a person, therefore it is advisable to work in protective goggles and a respirator.

In principle, slopes of plasterboard - this is just the foundation, which you need to additionally paint or glue. Therefore, the windows and doors framed by such slopes may look completely different, depending on the interior of the room and the preferences of the owner of the house.