Solar plexus in humans

Know where a person has the solar plexus, will not hurt anyone. This is one of the most sensitive areas that are present in the body. Any problems or violations in it should not be ignored.

Why is the solar plexus so called and where is it in man?

The solar plexus is a collection of neural elements. This is a place in the human body - if you do not take into account the nervous system - in which the largest number of nerve endings and nodes are concentrated.

The solar node consists of:

All these elements that are in the solar plexus in humans and under it, closely intertwined with each other and diverge to different systems and organs, like rays. Hence the corresponding name appeared.

The celiac plexus is located between the breastbone and the abdominal cavity - approximately opposite the stomach. To it nerves from a spleen, kidneys, a diaphragm, a stomach are tightened. This zone is a kind of a link between different organs and the central nervous system. Therefore, it is very important for the health and normal functioning of the body.

Why can a person have a solar plexus?

With pain in the solar node, you need to contact the doctor immediately. The reasons for it may be different. Most often the problem is in neuralgia. Call it:

Pain with neuralgia is quite strong and arises suddenly. Sometimes, even during an attack, a patient can hardly breathe.

To cause soreness where a person has a solar plexus, there may be other factors:

  1. Neuritis. This is an inflammation of the nerves. It can be caused by non-professional surgical operations, insufficiently mobile way of life of the patient, excessive physical activity, infectious lesions, diseases of the nervous system. Discomfortable sensations are concentrated in the "sun", and sometimes spread throughout the abdominal cavity.
  2. Solarium. With this disease, inflammation and lesion of all nerve endings present in the solar node are observed. This diagnosis is put mainly to those patients who leave without treatment of neuralgia and neuritis. The pain due to the sunlight is pressing, blunt and lasts a long time. Sometimes the symptoms are associated with heaviness in the abdomen, swelling, bursting, fever, eructation, constipation, vomiting.
  3. Traumatic neuralgia. Appears after mechanical impact on the zone. In addition to soreness, a person feels a tightness in the chest, it is difficult for him to breathe. Some people have pain in the heart.
  4. Spastic colitis. If there are spasms where the solar plexus is located in a person, a bloating begins and a feeling of heaviness, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist.
  5. Disorders of the small intestine. Part of the organ is located almost in the solar node. Pathological changes, inflammation and parasitic lesions of it in most cases are manifested by unpleasant sensations in the celiac node.
  6. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Heart problems are indicated by such symptoms as: jumps in blood pressure, rapidity or slowing of the heartbeat, a feeling of anxiety.
  7. Duodenum. In some cases, pain in the solar node occurs due to duodenitis . With inflammation of the duodenal, painful sensations appear on an empty stomach. Often they are accompanied by an increase in temperature.