Anthelmintic agents of a wide spectrum of action

Almost anyone can get infected with helminthiosis, regardless of age, from social status, living conditions and other factors. The treatment of helminthiosis, first of all, is aimed at destroying the parasites and removing them from the body. For this purpose, most often used special preparations in the form of tablets for oral administration.

Modern anthelmintic drugs are divided into means of a narrow and wide spectrum of action. More often for the treatment of helminthic invasions, drugs with extended activity are prescribed, to which practically all types of helminths are sensitive. Basically, these are synthetic drugs that are more effective than plant-based products.

List of broad-spectrum anthelmintic tablets

Consider the drugs that are used to treat helminthiasis most often.

Levamisol (Decaris)

The drug that is most effective in ascariasis and is less active when:

The agent causes paralyzing parasitic worms and violation of exchange-energy processes in them. In addition to anthelmintic, the drug has an immunomodulatory effect, the mechanism of which is not completely clear. As a rule, Levamisole is taken once.

Mebendazole (Vermox, Wormin, Telmox)

Tablets that show high activity in enterobiosis and trichocephalosis, but also effective in other forms of helminthiasis:

This medicine causes irreversible changes in the cells of the worms and leads to their death. The dosage, the frequency of administration and the duration of the treatment course depends on the type of worms that parasitize the body.

Albendazole (Centel, Aldazolum, Gelmadol, Nemozol)

An anthelmintic preparation of a wide spectrum of action, affecting all stages of development of helminths and causing a change in important biochemical processes in their cells. Albendazole is active against most known species of worms:

Dosage and treatment scheme is selected individually.

Pirantel (Helmintox, Nemocide)

This tool has not so wide a spectrum of action, as discussed above. It can be used for invasions caused by:

The drug acts on parasites in the initial phases of their development, as well as on mature forms, but does not affect the larvae during their movement in the tissues of the body. The mechanism of action of Pirantel is based on neuromuscular blockade of helminths. Depending on the diagnosis, the drug can be used both once and for several days according to a certain scheme.

Features of the use of anthelmintic agents

Anthelmintic preparations of wide spectrum of action must be taken strictly following the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. You can not independently, without consulting a specialist and diagnostics, proceed to receive this or that remedy, guided by advertising or advice from friends. It is also not allowed to change the dosage on its own; if the medicine is misused, some types of parasitic worms can migrate to other organs. The course of anthelminthic drugs, as a rule, is recommended to combine with the intake of sorbents, enzyme preparations, antihistamines, hepatoprotectors and immunomodulators.