Sprinkling of trees in spring

Gardening is a very laborious task, but it is grateful. With the right timely care of the trees, a few years after planting, they begin to actively bear fruit, delighting with their harvest. But during the vegetation period there are various troubles - the trees are damaged in the winter from severe frosts, fall ill, suffer from insects, the kidneys die with unexpected spring frosts. Avoid these problems by taking adequate measures in time. For example, to save trees from pests and diseases can be through regular spraying. If you have never encountered such a problem, the question is quite natural: "When and what should be sprayed fruit trees?" Let's try to understand the peculiarities of this necessary procedure.

When to spray fruit-berry trees?

If you failed to save the garden and it was attacked by insects or simply "unwell", measures can be taken already in the fall, after the harvest is harvested. But it should be calculated so that relatively warm weather (at least 5 ° C) lasted at least a couple of weeks. In this case, it is necessary to spray not only the branches and the stem itself, but also the fallen leaves lying under the tree. This reduces the probability of damage to the tree in the spring.

Repeat spraying of trees should be in the spring. However, if you did not need to carry out this procedure in the fall, in the warm season it must be done. This will be an excellent prevention of attacks such pests as aphids, cvethopod, powdery mildew, tortillist, hawthorn, caterpillar and so on, and guarantees you a good harvest.

Sprinkling of fruit trees in the spring is better to start when the snow has already started to descend, and the sun heats well and stably. It is important that before the blossoming of flowers and leaves there is enough time - chemical and biological preparations for spraying trees have a sufficiently long decomposition period, up to 2.5 weeks. Modern means are easy to use and are quite effective with proper application. The solution for processing should be prepared immediately before the procedure: after standing, it can become absolutely harmless for pests, but harmful to the trees themselves.

Trees should be prepared before processing, having cleaned them with a rigid brush from the deadened areas of the bark, moss and fungi. In addition, such cleaning will help the tree to breathe, stimulate its regenerative abilities and improve the formation of new shoots.

What to spray fruit trees in the spring?

In the arsenal of the modern gardener there are many different means for processing trees, we list some of them:

  1. Copper sulphate for spraying trees. Used in the concentration of 100 grams of dry granules per bucket of water. When preparing the solution, it can first be poured with a small amount of hot water, since it is poorly soluble in the cold water, and then diluted to the desired volume.
  2. Iron vitriol . Suitable not only for early spring spraying, but also when preparing the garden for winter, is an excellent way to get rid of lichens, mushrooms and scab. Diluted at the rate of 50 to 100 grams per bucket, depending on what the purpose of the treatment is the prevention or treatment of trees.
  3. Carbamide (urea) for spraying trees is not only an effective means of fighting insects that have survived winters, but also a remarkable nitrogen fertilizer for the tree itself.
  4. Bordeaux fluid for fruit trees or blue (second) spraying. Produced later, at the stage of bud formation, but before they are discovered. The concentration of the solution should be satisfied with the weak: for 10 liters of water we take 200 g of lime and 50 g of dry copper sulfate.