Indoor bamboo - care

Somehow I was presented with a bouquet of flowers, in which as a green decoration was a spiral of bamboo. The bouquet stood for a long time, until the bamboo appeared roots / And since throwing out the plant is a pity, a spiral planted in a pot. And for several years now this miracle has turned green and pleases not only with its appearance, but also with the fact that special care is not required for the room bamboo. But one thing is personal experience, and another recommendation of specialists for the care of such indoor plants as bamboo. We turn to them.

Care for indoor bamboo in water

It's no secret that room bamboo can be grown in water, just how to care for it in this case, not everyone knows. And of course, just put in a jar of water and forget it will be wrong.

So, what kind of care is needed for indoor decorative bamboo, if you decide to grow it in water? Water should be changed every two weeks, because the stagnant liquid will not benefit the plant. Since the water from the tap can not contain all the necessary bamboo substances, it must be periodically fed with mineral supplements. And do not pour water into the tank without pre-settling - cold water, chlorine-saturated plants will not like any plant, and bamboo including.

How to care for home decorative bamboo in the ground?

How to take care of the indoor bamboo in the water, we found out, and what care it needs in the ground, what kind of soil is needed? The soil can be taken special for dracenic or any other mixture for indoor plants, bamboo in this respect is not fastidious. Obligatory requirement - good drainage, so without a layer of expanded clay in the pot can not do. Feeding is possible (but not necessary, bamboo and without it feels fine) to produce fertilizers for dracenium not more than once every three months. Transplant bamboo in the spring, not more often than once a year. Watering only with standing water, chlorine for the plant is fatal. Well, the best water for watering not only bamboo, but also any indoor plants is thawed. To get it you need to pour water from a tap into the plastic bottle and put it in the freezer. A day later we take out the bottle, unfrozen water is drained, and frozen we give to thaw. With thawed water and warmed to room temperature (independently, not on a battery or in a pot of hot water), we water the plants.

How to care for bamboo at home - universal rules

Bamboo must be protected from direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow and dry out. So on a sunny window this plant will not get accustomed. Ideal place for bamboo penumbra, where there is enough light, but there is no active sun. Requirements for moisture specific bamboo does not make and feels great in the dry air of the apartment, it is not necessary to spray. You can only wipe the leaves from time to time from dust. The temperature difference of bamboo is also not terrible, it will not be capricious at temperatures from 18 ° C to 35 ° C. Fresh air also does not damage your pet, so in the spring (when the night temperatures are above 16 ° C) and in summer you can leave the bamboo outdoors on the balcony.

Often one can see bamboo, twisted in a spiral. What you need to do for this, maybe it's some sort of new sort of indoor bamboo, or you need special care to get a spiral behind your home bamboo? Nothing of the kind, everything is very simple. The stems of the bamboo are very plastic, and to get the desired spiral, bamboo will need to be twisted around any support as it grows. You can also form the crown according to your desire. For example, you want the leaves to be green only at the top, and below there were bare stems? Just gently break off the excess shoots in your opinion. But we must take into account that the tree grows quite high, up to 70 cm.