Increased blood clotting

During movement in the vascular system, the blood has a liquid state to ensure the rapid delivery of nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues. It becomes thicker with various damages to form a protective barrier - a thrombus, which will not allow biological components to go outside the system. Increased coagulability of blood is a serious pathology, called thrombophilia. It leads to such stagnant phenomena as thrombosis and varicose veins.

Increased coagulability of the blood - causes

The most common factors affecting the development of thrombophilia:

Increased coagulability of the blood - symptoms and signs

Mainly, the condition in question is manifested in the form of protruding veins with so-called nodules. In addition, increased coagulability of the blood causes a feeling of heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue when walking. Often, patients note aching persistent headaches of varying intensity, weakness and drowsiness. Some people, most often in pregnant women, develop thromboses. First of all, the intestines suffer additional stress, and one of the signs of the presented pathology may be swollen and painful hemorrhoids (internal and external).

Increased coagulability - treatment

The most effective method of thinning the dense blood is the use of medications that reduce the activity of platelets - anticoagulants. These include Heparin, Trombo ACC and, of course, Aspirin. These medications should be taken solely on the advice of a treating specialist and under his supervision, as a violation of the dosage or duration of the course can cause bleeding. In addition, aspirin-containing drugs inevitably harm digestive system, so it is important to follow the prescribed diet.

Nutrition with increased blood clotting

The basic principles of the diet:

  1. Limit the intake of animal protein (meat), giving preference to fish, eggs and dairy products.
  2. At least 2-3 times a week to eat 150-200 grams of sea kale.
  3. Daily use of wheat germ (not less than 3 tablespoons).
  4. Increase the volume of liquid drunk to 2 liters per day.