Tobacco dust - application

Not every horticulturist is familiar with all organic plant treatments. If you know about the application of ash and onion husks to many, then what is needed for tobacco dust and how to use it is not known to everyone.

Tobacco dust is a pulverized tobacco-colored preparation, which is made from waste produced by tobacco factories. It is sold prepacked in polyethylene bags weighing 260 g and paper bags weighing 1 kg.

Tobacco dust in the garden and in gardens is used:

The use of tobacco dust in the garden as a fertilizer

Tobacco dust contains 2-5% of nitrogen, 1-3% of potassium, 1-2% of phosphorus, thereby improving the nutrition of plants and increasing the microbiological activity of the soil. Tobacco dust is poured into the soil in spring and autumn before digging. This increases the yield of fruit and berry crops and vegetables to 40% and improves the quality of products.


How to use tobacco dust from pests?

In tobacco dust, up to 1% of nicotine is present, which is effective as a means of controlling pests during plant growth. Tobacco dust is used from coffins, from aphids, from ants, from fleas, from leaf rollers and other pests to protect cabbage, tobacco, fruit and berry and flower crops.

To control pests, tobacco dust is used in the form of:

Effective use of tobacco dust from such pests:

When working with tobacco dust, always use a cotton-gauze dressing and rubber gloves. If tobacco dust has got on the skin and mucous membrane of the mouth or eyes, rinse thoroughly with plenty of clean water.