Stages of cellulite

Orange peel - a beautiful name is not very attractive phenomenon - cellulite. To date, there are many methods to combat it. But in order to know what to struggle with, it is worth taking into account the magnitude of the problem. It turns out that cellulite develops not instantaneously, but in stages. Each stage needs its own treatment methods. More about the stages of cellulite in our today's material.

How to determine the stage of cellulite?

To accurately determine the stage of cellulite, you need to know that the cause of its appearance is the retention of fluid in the tissues and the subsequent blockade of the subcutaneous vessels. This just makes it difficult to remove accumulated excess fluid from places where the rate of metabolism is reduced: buttocks and thighs. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose cellulite in these, most rounded, places of the body. Observation can be done independently, turning to the mirror with the back and slightly bending over. Consider the signs by which you can determine the stage of the hated "orange peel".

The first stage of cellulite

It can hardly be seen with the naked eye while standing. But even, at first glance, the skin on the hips can "give itself away" in the upper local illumination or in an inclined position. To be sure of the initial stage of cellulite, you need to lightly squeeze your fingers on the skin on the hips. Are there any irregularities? This is the first stage. Get rid of cellulite in the first stage easily. It is only necessary to reduce fluid intake, do anti-cellulite massage at home using anti-cellulite cream, visit the sauna and pool several times, and there will be no trace of the beautiful hips from the enemy.

The second stage of cellulite

At this stage of cellulite development, uneven skin is visible even in any light at first sight. The bumps on the skin become denser and noticeable. The skin on the hips and buttocks loses elasticity, becomes less sensitive to the touch. The vessels that have accumulated in the liquid do not allow the blood to circulate freely in the skin tissues. This further exacerbates the problem, since the metabolism in the areas of the body affected by cellulite slows down even more. The fight against cellulite of the second stage should be aimed at changing the oxygen supply of all parts of the body. Will change the diet, active sports and professional anti-cellulite massage.

The third stage of cellulite

The third stage of cellulite is much easier to notice than to eliminate. Uneven skin with tubercles and pits becomes rough and almost insensitive to touch. Swollen muscles and vessels can not feel not only touches, but sometimes even temperature changes and pain. Although weight loss and anti-cellulite cream will not help in getting rid of such cellulite, starting treatment is still worth it with these steps. Next, we need the help of professionals. Special courses of power massage, lipolysis, cellulolyolysis, elektrolipoliz - these are ways to combat this disease. And the most modern methods of getting rid of cellulite of the third stage are based on laser therapy.