How to do a back massage?

Most often, therapeutic and relaxation massages are performed on the back (there are many nerve endings, the effect on which allows to achieve a tonic or relaxing effect), and cosmetic on the problem areas of the body or even on its entire surface. Let's focus on those types of massage that are easy to spend without leaving the walls of the house.

How to do different types of back massage at home?

Relaxing back massage

For the effectiveness of this massage, it is necessary, besides observing the technique, to use additional means that will calm the nervous system: for example, to add to the usual massage oil an ethereal (60 ml base 15 drops of ylang ylang, geranium or patchouli), and also include muffled light for creating a soothing atmosphere.

To begin massage it is necessary from superficial stroking of a back by palms along a backbone, then to pass to a planar one, which differs from a superficial one by deeper effect and is made by an edge of a palm on a diagonal (the spine is not affected at the same time). After the tissues are warmed up, you can proceed to rubbing: concentrate attention on the collar zone and with your fingertips gently massage in the circular movements first the right side in the area of ​​the scapula, and then the left side. After that, at a distance of about 3 cm from the spine with your thumbs, press down on the muscles. Each point is activated by pressing, with a length of 5 seconds. The massage ends with a slight stroking over the entire back area.

Spot massage of the back with osteochondrosis of the spine (acupressure)

This massage is used for back pain and refers to the curative due to the reflex action on the points that are responsible for certain organs and systems. During the session, the master uses the atlas of points to find on the human body those that, during activation, contribute to recovery. This massage is done mainly by the tips of the fingers, which activate the points by rubbing, stroking or pressing movements of different strength.

In osteochondrosis, it is necessary to conduct 8-10 sessions with the activation of such points: the first is between 2 and 3 lumbar vertebrae, the second on the first, the most prominent cervical vertebra (7th), and the third - is represented by four points located longitudinally at a distance of 0.5 cm in the middle of the sacrum.

Classic back massage

Such a massage is aimed at speeding up metabolic processes and eliminating edema. It begins with stroking and rubbing the back with the palms along the spine, then from it to the right and left sides. After this, the long dorsal muscle is seized by the large and the three remaining fingers and rolled along the spine. Then you need to rub the ribs of the palms from the top to the bottom and finish the massage with patting movements.

Back massage for scoliosis

This massage is performed to strengthen the muscles of the back, when two techniques are combined: stroking and shaking. Like any other massage, this one starts with smooth sliding movements of the palms, which then become more intense. The first sessions are aimed at relaxing tensioned muscles, and the subsequent ones are aimed at strengthening them.

Back massage "gouache"

This kind of massage has ancient Chinese roots, in which a special scraper is used. There are three techniques of gouache, including intense rapid movements, as well as fast and slow with weak pressure. The session lasts about 30 minutes and the effect of the effect is visible immediately in the form of hemorrhages. It is believed that in this way the body gets rid of toxins, and the darker the stains left after the procedure, the better. The appearance of the skin on the back after this massage can lead to the thought that it is very painful, but it is not so: patients practically do not feel anything either during or after it.

Gouache is useful for speeding up metabolic processes and removing toxins (therefore, within two days after it you need to drink warm water).

Back massage: benefits and contraindications

Summing up, it can be said that a back massage can be a good addition to the main course of medications, exercises aimed at getting rid of pathology.

People who suffer from heart disease, allergies and high blood pressure are not advised to use intensive techniques, they can aggravate the situation. In this case, it is optimal to use relaxing massages with slow movements. It should also be noted that massage accelerates circulation, so those people who have fresh wounds, as well as women during menstruation, massage should be undesirable not to cause bleeding.