Heel spur - treatment with medicines

Heel spurs - inflammatory-degenerative disease, manifested by the formation on the back of the heel bone growth from calcium salts, which has the form of a wedge or spine. By exerting pressure on soft tissues, overgrowth causes swelling and severe pain, especially during exercise or after a prolonged interruption in movement. In most cases, pathology is diagnosed in women, and its main causes are: overweight, flat feet, wearing uncomfortable shoes, injuries, etc.

Treating heel spur with medicines

There are many methods of treating the heel spur, including surgical operations, physiotherapy procedures, massage, therapeutic gymnastics, medication. Most often, an integrated approach using several techniques is used. Medical therapy for this pathology is aimed at the removal of the inflammatory process and anesthesia, i.e. elimination of symptoms of pathology.

How and how to treat the heel spur, in what form to apply the medicines is determined by the attending physician - surgeon or orthopedist, after the necessary examinations (X-ray, biochemical analyzes). As a rule, in many cases it is possible to get rid of unpleasant symptoms due to external drugs of local action. In more severe, neglected cases, doctors resort to an injection method of administering medications to the heel joint. Such injections can only be carried out by qualified specialists who must accurately determine the dosage of the drug, the depth and accuracy of its administration.

Drug treatment for calcaneal spur at home

Having carried out diagnostic measures and having received the doctor's appointment, the disease can be treated at home. The main drugs for the treatment of the heel spur are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, creams or gels. These include such medicines:

Usually the course of treatment with such local drugs is about 14 days. The funds are applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day. In order to achieve a better penetration of the drug, to strengthen its effect, you must before it rubbed into a ten-minute hot foot bath. After that, the skin should be thoroughly dried and massaged by applying the preparation. Then it is advisable to put warm socks on your feet.

Other local drugs that can be prescribed with a calcaneal spur are hormones. Most often, patients are prescribed ointment based on hydrocortisone, which is rubbed into the affected areas twice a day for no more than two weeks. Influencing the blood vessels, hydrocortisone ointment quickly removes swelling and pain.

Also at home, special patches can be used to treat the calcaneal spur. The inner surface of the patches is impregnated with warming substances, plant extracts, which have anti-edema and analgesic effect. The plaster is adhered to the sore spot for a day, after which it is replaced with a new one. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Recommendations for the treatment of calcaneal spurs

In addition to the use of medicines, it is important to adhere to other recommendations for the treatment of the calcaneal spur, which will help to quickly eliminate discomfort and prevent the further development of the disease. Here are the main of them:

  1. If there is a problem of excess weight , you need to try to get rid of it.
  2. You should wear special orthopedic shoes or insoles.
  3. It is necessary to avoid excessive physical exertion on the legs.