How to make a dove out of paper?

The technique of folding various pieces of paper is called origami . She came to us from Japan and became very popular. Using ordinary paper, in this technique you can make amazing things. For example, today you will learn how to make a piece of a dove out of paper. It is an average for the complexity of the origami product, but, having successfully completed all the actions described below just once, you can easily make paper pigeons.

Volumetric pigeon made of paper in origami technique

  1. Take a sheet of white or colored paper. It should be medium density, but not too thin, so that it would be more convenient to bend it. Office paper is better not to use, it is, on the contrary, too dense, which makes it difficult to design small parts. For the craft you need a sheet of a square shape. If you have an A4 sheet, bend it in such a way that an isosceles triangle is formed, and a rectangular strip remains on the side.
  2. Cut this strip with a sharp scissors or clerical knife - we do not need it. The edge of the paper should be as flat as possible. You will have a working figure origami - a paper square, bent diagonally. Its side should not be less than 10 cm, and for the first time it is better to take a square twice as much to make all the folds easier.
  3. Let us decompose the resulting triangle, and then bend the paper along the second diagonal. Each of the folds is carefully ironed with fingers or a ruler. After unbending, you will see on the paper two creases, made in a criss-cross pattern.
  4. Now you need to make four more folds. To do this, wrap one of the sides of the square so that it coincides with the adjacent diagonal. Then straighten this fold and proceed to the next side. We will do this operation on each of the four sides of the paper square in turn, rotating the square itself counter-clockwise.
  5. Repeat the previous step, but in the other direction, that is, clockwise.
  6. After completing steps 4-5, 8 new folds are added to our sheet of paper - this is how it will look.
  7. From one corner of the square we will form the tail of the bird - after all, we are doing a three-dimensional dove out of paper!
  8. The next stage is the most responsible and complex. It is necessary, while holding a sheet of paper in a certain position, to bend it immediately over several folds. Fold the paper, as in the photo, passing the tail of the pigeon between the index and middle fingers of the left hand, and simultaneously pressing the opposite corner (it will beak).
  9. When you connect the opposite corners, two of them will hide inside such a figure. Two sharp edges are the future wings of a paper dove.
  10. Carefully remove the two hidden inside this piece of corner. So far they look the same, but very soon one of them will become a beak, and the other - a tail. If you correctly performed the previous points, both corners will be extracted without difficulty, lying down in advance laid down fold lines.
  11. One of the wings bends down.
  12. We unfold the pigeon and bend the second wing. Then we form the head: for this we push the tip of the sharp edge into the inside, forming the beak of the bird. The tail is bent slightly back, and the bird in the origami technique is ready. As you can see, making a dove out of paper is not at all difficult.

Such pigeons made of paper can be made of any size and color. And if you tie them on strings and hang them with a bracket, you get a nice mobile with colorful paper doves that will rock from the slightest movement of air.