Jailoo-tourism - away from civilization!

Jailoo-tourism (from the Kyrgyz jailoo - pasture, meadow) is one of the promising areas of active recreation, a branch of ecotourism , which travels to places of the planet, almost untouched by modern civilization. Full technologicalization, a hard pace of life, everyday vanity, continuous noise weary residents of cities, especially megacities. Jailoo-tourism allows you to live in conditions closest to natural ones, to prove yourself in difficult, sometimes even extreme situations.

Jailoo-tourism in Kyrgyzstan

Jailoo-tourism received its name from the Kyrgyz highland pastures, where, as is commonly believed, it appeared. However, Kyrgyzstan offers the most mild version of this type of recreation. Living the life of shepherds helps to feel like a herdsman, who feeds on fresh cakes, fried lamb and koumiss . Sleep tourists have directly on the floor of the yurt. But all this is more than offset by the wonderful nature, the opportunity to make horseback riding, the feeling of complete freedom and the expectation of meeting with a snowman. A special route is organized: Bishkek - Korchkorka village - Sarala-Saz, which operates from May to September.

Modern Jailoo-tourism has significantly expanded its geography. We will name the most suitable places for a "wild journey".

Jailoo-tourism in Africa

In Africa there are still many places that have preserved the pristine nature, and tribes that live their own isolated life. It should not be forgotten, however, that not all locals are friendly, besides some tribes in equatorial Africa practice cannibalism. In this regard, it is recommended to go to those villages where the inhabitants are more loyal to the "white" people, accompanied by a guide familiar with the customs of the Aborigines and their customs. Having lived in a tribe, you can get to know more closely the life of Africans, take part in hunting, join in local celebrations. To get a decent dose of adrenaline, it is possible to try a night in the jungle.

Jailoo-tourism in South America

The virgin Amazonian forests are also hidden by the tribes living under the laws of the primitive communal system. Living in such conditions will give a full sense of how our distant ancestors lived, who had no idea of ​​the most basic conveniences. Here you can join the general process of life, engaged in the gathering of edible plants, hunting and the manufacture of primitive tools. In addition, it is necessary to add unusual climatic conditions: torrential rains, hot tropical sun, high humidity.

Jailoo-tourism in the Chernobyl zone

The dead city of nuclear scientists, the deserted Ukrainian villages and the infamous sarcophagus invariably attract extremists from all over the world. Travel to the exclusion zone takes place in protective suits, accompanied by a specially prepared guide, but even a reduced level of radiation poses a danger to the human body. Visiting Pripyat and the surrounding area makes you think about the pernicious influence of man on the natural world, how easy it is to lose a delicate balance and instead of positively to get a negative: death, pain, destruction.

Jailoo-tourism is finding new directions. Extreme tourists travel in the Siberian taiga, the arctic tundra, in the deserts, in the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia. But having conceived such a hike, one should really assess their capabilities: physical fitness, sports training, the ability to cope with domestic problems independently, and the willingness to lead an ascetic lifestyle. Well, of course, in this kind of travel, in no case should you take children and pregnant women. Jailoo-tourism - a kind of rest not only for the fearless, but for reasonable people!