Statins from cholesterol are the most effective and safe drugs in every generation

The main cause of heart attacks , strokes and other injuries of blood vessels is atherosclerosis. The main role in the development of pathology is played by cholesterol (lipophilic alcohol), molecules of which are deposited on the walls of arteries and capillaries in the form of dense plaques. Its concentration must be reduced for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Statins - what is it?

Most people suffering from cardiovascular diseases perceive the described lipid-lowering medications as the most effective and safe drugs that reduce cholesterol. This is not a true definition. For a clear understanding of what statins are, it is important to know the mechanism of formation and circulation of lipophilic alcohol, its purpose and function.

Cholesterol can be produced inside the body, and enter it from the outside, for example, with food. This organic compound is necessary for:

The human body produces complex proteins - lipoproteins. They play the role of carriers of cholesterol molecules from the liver to tissues and back. Statins block the production of enzymes that precede the formation of lipoproteins. Due to this, the amount of cholesterol entering the tissues decreases, and the volume of reverse transport increases. As a result, the overall level of lipophilic alcohol in the body is effectively reduced. At the same time, the drugs under consideration contribute to the safe cleavage of already existing fatty tissues and plaques in the vessels.

Statins from cholesterol are good and bad

Even the most effective lipid-lowering drugs have negative side effects, so they are strictly forbidden to select and take on their own. Statins are prescribed exclusively if there is direct evidence of their use. In most cases, cholesterol concentration can be reduced in other effective and safe ways. These include the correction of the diet, the rejection of bad habits, the increase in the level of physical activity and the normalization of the regime of work and rest.

Statins from cholesterol are good

Described drugs are still the only option for the prevention and treatment of the most dangerous cardiovascular pathologies, when non-drug methods were not effective enough. The benefits of statins are the following:

Statins from cholesterol are the most effective and safe drugs for accelerating rehabilitation after:

Harm of statins

The most important danger of using these medications is the risk of side effects. In parallel with a decrease in the production of lipoproteins, statin drugs reduce the production of coenzymes Q10. These chemical compounds provide energy to the muscles of the body and the brain. With the deficiency of coenzymes, the following problems are observed:

There are other negative phenomena that are provoked by statins - side effects include:

Even safe statins have many negative side effects, but they occur extremely rarely and mostly in people who do not follow the rules of using medicines. Treatment with lipid-lowering medications involves the rejection of alcohol, smoking, regular exercise and a healthy balanced diet. If you adhere to these norms, side effects are easily avoided.

Generations of statins

The very first lipid-lowering substances were isolated from natural products. Based on these compounds, drugs of the lovastatin group were developed. The remaining variants and newer generations of drugs are made from synthetic components. It is a mistake to believe that natural statins from cholesterol are the most effective and safe. Synthetic medicines are much less likely to have negative side effects and are better tolerated. In addition to lovastatin, the first generation of described agents include simvastatin and pravastatin.

Even early lipid-lowering drugs produce a pronounced effect. The best statins are widely used in the prevention of strokes, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, especially if there are hereditary predispositions to the listed pathologies. Indications for taking first-line drugs:

The second generation of drugs considered is represented only by fluvastatin. These are effective and safe drugs that can be prescribed even to children from 10 years of age. They contain sodium salt, so the concentration of cholesterol in the blood is quickly reduced. Indications for the use of fluvastatin:

The third generation of lipid-lowering medications is atorvastatin. The peculiarity of these drugs is a marked improvement in the performance of the cardiovascular system as a whole. It is believed that the statins from cholesterol are the fastest, most effective and safe tablets for the prevention of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular pathologies, including chronic ischemic disease. Indications for their purpose:

Statins of the latest generation include Pitavastatin and rosuvastatin. These drugs are the latest developments in the field of pharmacology, they have several advantages over their predecessors:

The new statins from cholesterol are the most effective and safe remedies recommended in the following cases:

Statin drugs - list

The above medicines in each generation have different trade names. Independently choose drugs that reduce cholesterol in the blood, you can not. Unsuitable active substance, incorrect dosage, combination with other groups of pharmacological agents can provoke occurrence of the most dangerous side effects and irreversible changes in liver function, metabolic processes. Only a qualified doctor should advise which drugs reduce cholesterol in the blood safely and effectively. The necessary generation of statins is selected by a specialist.

Simvastatin analogues

This substance is sold in the form of tablets of the same name. As an active ingredient, simvastatin contains the following lipid-lowering drugs - a list:

Pravastatin analogues

This is another effective and safe representative of the first generation of lipid-lowering drugs. The described active ingredient contains such drugs that reduce cholesterol in the blood (statins):

Lovastatin analogues

The very first lipid-lowering drug, isolated from penicillin fungi, is not the most effective, but one of the most safe means. Drugs that lower cholesterol, based on lovastatin:

Fluvastatin analogues

Statins from second-generation cholesterol are represented by only one substance. On its basis the only tablets are produced - Leskol. They are sold in 3 versions with the same dosage (80 mg):

Atorvastatin - analogues

This hypolipidemic ingredient belongs to the third generation of medicines. Preparations of a statin on its basis:

Rosuvastatin analogues

Statins for the reduction of cholesterol from the fourth generation are the most effective and safe means with prolonged action. Rosuvastatin, in addition to the tablets of the same name, is contained in the following medicines:

Pitavastatin analogues

Lipid-lowering drugs of the fourth generation were replenished with the drug in question just a few years ago. These statins from cholesterol are the most effective and safe among all identical medications. They have the fastest and longest impact without any health risks. On the basis of Pitavastatin, only one option is still available - Livazo.

Statins of the latest generation with the least side effects

Experienced doctors prefer to prescribe only safe drugs with minimal therapeutic dosage and prolonged action. The most effective statins from cholesterol are rosuvastatin and Pitavastatin: