Myalgia - symptoms and medication treatment

Myalgia is a disease characterized by severe pain and spasms in the muscular region, the causes of which may be very different. As a rule, the disease is localized in the cervical and lumbar regions, and also affects the limbs. Myalgia, the symptoms and medication treatment of which are discussed in the article, now occurs not only in people of age, it is increasingly worried about adolescents exposed to serious physical and emotional stress. In this case, such a condition arises more often as an independent ailment, but as a symptom of certain diseases.

Symptoms of myalgia of the neck

Specificity of the signs of pathology directly depends on the area of ​​localization of unpleasant sensations, as well as on the variety of lesions, which can be several.


The most common form of pathology involving the neck, shoulder girdle, lower back and neck.

Muscle myalgia in this case is accompanied by the following symptoms:

This kind of pathology is typical for young girls with increased anxiety and a tendency to depression. In men, this phenomenon occurs more often due to injury or physical overload.


Another subspecies of the ailment under consideration is myositis , characterized by inflammation of the muscles, which develops as a result of insufficient blood supply. In this case, muscle myalgia manifests itself with symptoms such as gripping pain, gaining intensity during movement. Especially dangerous is the myositis of the neck, because it necessarily requires treatment under the supervision of a specialist.


This disease is characterized by the fact that pain has the property of changing localization. In this case, the appearance of muscle weakness and the formation of dystrophy are characteristic for the disease.

For all the listed varieties of myalgia, there are common signs:

Treatment of myalgia with drugs

The peculiarity of combating the disease is that it involves the elimination of the factor that caused the illness. So, for example, if there are signs of myalgia in colds, prescribe a fever-reducing medication that reduces the temperature and eliminates pain in the muscles.

If the cause of the ailment can not be determined, the patient is symptomatically treated. In this case, apply such medications:

Also, the patient may be given electrophoresis irradiation with such drugs as Novokain or Histamine.

When forming gelosis, massage is performed, it is recommended to take warm baths. Treatment of the house is carried out with the help of such warming ointments:

Additional remedies for the treatment of myalgia

The measures taken for treatment include not only the taking of medicines, but also the mandatory conduct of physiotherapy procedures and the use of home prescriptions. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to combating the disease in order to achieve maximum effect.

In addition to medicines, the doctor can also prescribe manual therapy and gymnastics. However, exercises for myalgia can only be developed by a specialist, relying on symptoms and taking into account other methods of treatment used. Such measures help to increase blood flow, relieve pain and speed up recovery.