Cholesterol - the norm in women by age

Cholesterol is one of the few known substances found in the human body. That is, there is probably no such person who does not know anything about cholesterol and how bad it is for health. In fact, there is a certain norm of cholesterol in women, determined by age. In this amount, the substance is not only useful, but also vital to the body.

The norm of cholesterol in women by age

Cholesterol is a fatty substance. It can really cause serious health problems. But the absence of cholesterol in the blood on the body does not have a favorable effect. This substance is necessary for building cells and ensuring their normal functioning.

Another big mistake is to think that cholesterol enters the body solely with food. In fact, the substance is produced by the liver. Moreover, the body produces more than 80% of the total amount of cholesterol, and only 20% of the substance penetrates with food.

It is accepted to distinguish three basic norms of cholesterol in women by age, characterizing the amount of bad, good substance and overall index. It's simple: there is practically no cholesterol in the pure form. Most of the substance is contained in special compounds - lipoproteins. The latter are of low and high density.

LDL is a bad cholesterol that accumulates on the walls of blood vessels and causes the formation of blood clots. HDL is a good substance that collects bad cholesterol and sends it for processing into the liver.

If the blood contains normal for their age the amount of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, all the processes proceed correctly, and the well-being remains good. The following are considered normal values:

  1. The amount of good cholesterol in the blood can range from 0.87 to 4.5 mmol / l.
  2. Bad cholesterol in the body of a healthy middle-aged woman can be less than 4 mmol / l.
  3. Normally, the amount of total cholesterol in women, age not exceeding 50 years, should be in the range from 3.6 to 5.2 mmol / l. After fifty the norm slightly increases and can reach 7-8 mmol / l.

Carefully monitor the level of cholesterol at any age. In particular, people with overweight, predisposition to cardiovascular disease, those who abuse cigarettes. With special vigilance to treat health is necessary for women in the period of menopause.

Treatment for cholesterol is higher than normal in women by age - tablets and diets

It is necessary to start treatment and take preventive measures even with insignificant deviation of cholesterol from the norm. To maintain the amount of fatty matter at a proper level will help regular physical activity and vitamin complexes. It is very important to be on a regular basis in the fresh air. Walking before going to bed is extremely useful.

Those who are associated with sedentary work, it is recommended to take short breaks every hour. And no one will interfere with regular charging, consisting of a complex of the simplest exercises. They will help disperse the blood and cheer up.

To maintain cholesterol is normal in women by age should follow a diet. It is desirable to minimize the amount of fatty foods in the diet. Refuse does not hurt and from salted and overly peppered dishes. You can replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, nutritious porridges and nuts. Excellent neutralize cholesterol fish and other seafood. So they can be safely added to your daily menu.

The use of alcohol is undesirable, but in small quantities is allowed. Ideally, alcoholic beverages should be replaced with invigorating green tea .