Allergy to mold

Comfortable life in apartments and houses is the property of civilization. But how often do we think about the hidden enemies that appear in our homes and are harmful to our health?

One of these threats is mold . Everyone has seen how the small fungi that form a raid on food products, walls, tiles or old floors look like. This coating can be whitish, greenish, gray, brown or black, and any kind can cause allergy to mold.

Symptoms of mold allergy

Only about 100 kinds of fungi surround us every day, in indoor and on the streets. However, not all of them produce mold, and not all cause symptoms of allergy to mold. There are about 20 of them.

Vegetation of fungi causes the appearance of mold in the period of reproduction with the help of spores, which fly apart, causing an allergic reaction in people whose immunity reacts to a foreign body by the production of antibodies.

The most common kind of mold that surrounds us is the genus Aspergillus. It is he who covers the walls of our bathrooms, cellars and windows with a touch, which causes more and more allergies to black mold. Such mold is especially dangerous precisely because it spreads in houses with astonishing speed, it is difficult to destroy, and it often appears again in damp warm rooms.

Of course, it is the molds that are responsible for the appearance of antibiotics that save world medicine from infections and noble cheeses that give unique taste sensations. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to know, how the allergy on a mold is shown, not to admit deterioration of the allergic status:

How to treat allergy to mold?

In order to prevent an allergic reaction to mold, you need to give sufficient time to clean the premises and ensure good ventilation in rooms where the mold is most easily spread. Remember that excess moisture is the best friend of mold fungi. Products must be stored in specified conditions and not longer than the prescribed period.

Treatment of allergy to mold also involves the use of antihistamines, prescribed by a doctor. And do not forget about the diet - limiting cheese to mold, yeast and fermented milk products will reduce the risk of allergies.