Umbilical hernia in adults - treatment without surgery

If a person has a bulging in the navel, then this is likely to be an umbilical hernia. It can arise due to many factors. Umbilical hernia in adults, treatment without surgery which is possible, is a protrusion of the internal organs, in particular the intestine, through the umbilical ring.

Causes of umbilical hernia

Most often, these types of hernias appear in people after 40 years of age. Women who gave birth to one or several children are quite susceptible to this disease. There are the following main reasons for the appearance of umbilical hernia:

Symptoms of the disease

At the earliest stages, the symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults are not too obvious. In the navel region, there may be a very small bulge, which disappears completely in the supine position. If the disease is diagnosed at this stage, it will be possible to cure the umbilical hernia without surgery.

Further, it is possible to increase the size of the protrusion of the hernia with the following factors: a rise in severity, a strong cough. Accompanying this all can nausea and pain symptoms inside the abdomen. At this stage, you can also cure the umbilical hernia without surgery.

But when the hernial sac is very large and does not fit inside the abdomen, as well as there is a deterioration in human health in the form of vomiting, constipation, severe pain and micturition, then it is hardly possible to do without surgery. Otherwise, there is a risk of dangerous complications.

Diagnosis of the problem

To get an answer to the question of how to remove the umbilical hernia without surgery, it is important to initially diagnose and determine the stage of the disease development. The diagnostic process includes the following activities:

How to cure an umbilical hernia without surgery?

There are two types of treatment for umbilical hernia. This can be a conservative path or a surgical intervention.

Conservative treatment is prescribed in the early stages of disease detection, in the absence of complications, as well as in the presence of the following contraindications to the operation:

Among the conservative ways of treating hernia in adults, the following are considered to be the most effective:

  1. Wearing a special bandage.
  2. Massage of the abdominal region. This procedure can increase muscle tone and includes rubbing, stroking and tingling the abdominal area.
  3. Therapeutic exercises. Special gymnastics allows to strengthen muscles of a press and a back. It is important that the load is moderate, and there are no factors such as pregnancy, fever and heart pathologies.

Traditional medicine also has its own opinion on how to get rid of the umbilical hernia without surgery. Just do not self-medicate. Any action should be agreed with the attending physician.

Umbilical hernia, found in the early stages, is treated conservatively by quite successfully. In case of neglected cases, surgical intervention is necessary.