Involutional changes in the mammary glands

Many women in the postmenopausal period consult a doctor about increasing the size or changing the shape of the mammary glands. This frightens them, since, in the opinion of the majority, this can happen only with a tumor. But the doctor diagnoses them "fibro-involute changes in the mammary glands." This condition refers to normal age changes.

Age-related stages of breast development

The shape and size of the breast directly depend on the amount of hormones that are produced by the female body. The state of the breast affects almost 15 different hormones, for example, progestin, estrogen or testosterone. The status of the mammary glands can determine the age and hormonal background of a woman. Because it changes the size and structure of the breast. The mammary gland during the life of a woman goes through three stages of its development.

  1. The childbearing period usually lasts up to 45 years and is characterized by the presence of a large amount of glandular tissue in the breast. After birth, these elements are responsible for lactation.
  2. In the climacteric period - up to 50-55 years, the glandular tissue gradually changes to fatty and fibrous tissue. This process is most rapid in the lower and middle parts of the breast.
  3. The last period is senile. It is characterized by thinning of the skin and almost complete replacement of the glandular elements with fat tissue.

How can we recognize the signs of involuntary changes in the mammary glands?

With an external examination, changes in the structure of the breast tissue are not visible. You can see them only if you have a mammogram . In the picture, such a mammary gland will be very light, almost transparent. On a background of a fatty tissue blood vessels and milk ducts are well looked through.

Involuntary changes in the mammary glands are associated with the woman's hormonal background. When the production of female hormones decreases, the glandular tissue gradually becomes thinner. This condition is not considered a disease and does not require special treatment. But sometimes the predominance of involuntary changes in the mammary glands occurs in young women who have not yet given birth. This is a pathological process associated with a violation of the hormonal background. It can be a sign of diseases of the genital area. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to find the cause of involuntary changes of the mammary glands as soon as possible in order to start treatment in time and stop tissue degeneration.

The easiest way to prevent this condition. In order not to change the hormonal background, a woman should not smoke, drink alcohol, engage in heavy physical work. The risk group also includes those who eat irregularly and inadequately, do not get enough sleep, do not go out in the fresh air and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Often changes in breast tissue occur in women who have not given birth for a long time, for those who did not breast-feed or make abortions. To prevent such a condition, you must regularly visit a gynecologist and mammologist, so that they put the correct diagnosis on time.

How is treatment of involuntary changes in the mammary glands performed?

Most often, this condition in childbearing age is associated with a violation of the hormonal background. Therefore, for his treatment, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. It also happens that involuntary changes are accompanied by mastodiginia - a painful condition. In this case, the patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative drugs. Sometimes the change in the structure of the glandular tissue occurs against the background of gynecological diseases, therefore it is necessary to treat, first of all, them.

As a preventive measure, a woman needs to give up bad habits, adjust nutrition and sleep, avoid stress and walk more outdoors. Particularly useful for breast health include foods rich in vitamins A and C.