Yellow face - reasons

The yellow complexion is the result of an overabundance in the body of bilirubin. It is the pigment formed as a result of the decomposition of dead red cells in the liver. Most often, yellowing of the skin indicates problems with liver function. But sometimes this phenomenon - the body's reaction to changes in the diet. What else does the yellow face say and is it always dangerous for health?

Yellow face due to malnutrition

A common reason for the appearance of a pale yellow complexion is the unlimited use of salads with a high content of carrots and carrot juices. Yellowness of the skin can also occur with an overabundance of carotene in the body. This happens if you eat a lot of yellow fruits and vegetables that contain this substance, for example, tangerines and oranges. The accumulation of bile causes such spices as muffins and cumin. Do not use them in large quantities when cooking.

Very often a yellow complexion is observed during fasting and alcoholism. Also with this problem people face after:

What diseases lead to yellowing of the skin on the face?

Be sure to consult a doctor if you have bruises under the eyes and yellow complexion - the reasons for this phenomenon can be associated with serious diseases. This symptom indicates a violation of the bile duct. A strong yellowing of the skin of the face is also observed when:

If the skin color is pale yellow and there are yellow spots on the iris of the eye, it is most likely that lipid metabolism is broken in the body and cholesterol is significantly elevated. Yellowness also occurs with cancer.

In those cases when the shade of the skin becomes yellow-orange, you should consult a doctor-endocrinologist. This may be a symptom of hypothyroidism . With this ailment, the thyroid gland is broken and in the body there is a lack of substances that process beta-carotene. As a result, carotene is accumulated in the subcutaneous fat. There are no other obvious signs of hypothyroidism, so patients do not understand why they have a yellow complexion, and do not consult a doctor for a long time, which leads to serious complications.

A small yellowness is usually observed in patients with lesions of the spleen and stomach and those who are obese.

Yellow complexion with liver diseases

A bright yellow and yellow-green complexion appears with various liver diseases. Most often this sign indicates:

As a rule, with these ailments, in addition to yellowing of the skin, the patient has a pale stool, abdominal pain and dark urine.

The causes of this phenomenon can be associated with the defeat of the liver by parasites. There is a yellow complexion and with the appearance of cysts. In some cases, the face turns yellow with primary inflammatory, purulent and functional damage to the liver cells, for example, hepatitis (viral or toxic), steatohepatosis and liver abscess. This symptom also occurs with traumatic injuries. This can be as a rupture of the liver with blunt abdominal injuries, and closed crushing of the liver.

One of the common causes of the appearance of a yellow complexion is a disease of the hepatic veins. These include: