Headache and nausea

Most people, especially the female, are familiar with such a condition as a headache. Most often it is a clinical manifestation of any disease of the internal organs, the musculoskeletal or nervous system. Therefore, if the headache and nausea, you need to correctly determine the true cause of this state. The usual symptomatic therapy will relieve the unpleasant sensations only temporarily.

Why does my head hurt and vomit?

The most common disease that causes such symptoms is a migraine. In this case, nausea is a consequence of a headache or a harbinger of an approaching attack, may appear in the symptoms of a migraine aura. The intensity of unpleasant sensations increases up to vomiting, dyspnea, fever.

But the head does not always feel sick and aching for this reason, there are a number of disorders in the body that provoke the problem in question:

Also, women sometimes have a headache and vomiting, combined with weakness during hormonal changes in the body. The cause may be pregnancy (toxicosis), the period of the onset of the menstrual cycle, menopausal syndrome.

To combat the described symptoms it is important to tackle the treatment of their immediate cause. To remove unpleasant sensations it is possible by means of non-steroid anesthetics and analgesics, which will give a temporary effect.

For what reasons does the headache and nausea and pressure on the eyes?

If a headache is accompanied by a feeling of pressure in the nose, eyelids and temples, the following pathologies may be the cause:

In addition, when the head is aching in the forehead and toshnit, burning sensation, pressure in the eyes, lacrimation and photophobia are observed, it makes sense to examine the ENT organs. These clinical manifestations are characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the maxillary sinuses with the accumulation of purulent sputum in them. As a rule, the considered symptomatology takes place in the acute form of diseases, such as:

Headache in combination with nausea and other signs, first of all, requires qualitative diagnosis and careful treatment causes of the problem. Eliminate these unpleasant sensations by taking a pill:

Also helps point massage of the head , temples, collar zone, palms and feet. It would be superfluous to provide the body with a proper rest, drink 1-2 cups of herbal soothing tea with chamomile flowers.