Milk whey for the face - tasty cosmetics

Any woman in the arsenal of cosmetics has a lot of jars with miraculous drugs. They are called to make the skin beautiful, fresh and to give her youth. As an alternative, a simple and inexpensive product can be used, the effect of using it surpasses the well-known cosmetic brands - whey or dairy.

What is the use of dairy whey for the face?

Since ancient times, the benefits of whey for the face are known. Modern scientists have confirmed this by revealing the secrets of the miraculous elixir. With the help of it:

How to prepare milk whey at home?

Where can we find the miracle cure? It can easily be cooked in your kitchen. You just need to buy milk or kefir and use one of the manufacturing methods, but remember that the process excludes heat treatment with high temperatures, since most of the nutrients will be destroyed. Milk whey for a person at home is prepared like this:

  1. Kefir is frozen in the freezer, and then put to thaw in the room on the sieve. After defrosting the liquid part is separated from the curd mass and flows down. This is the necessary serum.
  2. Quickly prepare the cosmetic ingredient from fresh milk, which is brought to a boil, and then add a pinch of citric acid to it to coagulate the mass. After cooling, you can separate the cottage cheese from the whey and use it for its intended purpose.
  3. The traditional way of obtaining buttermilk is simple milking of milk. To speed up the process, you can, if you add a crust of black bread. After souring, the mass is heated (not higher than 50 ° C), and then filtered through a sieve or gauze.

How to use milk whey for the face?

Knowing that milk whey for the skin of the face is a real find, one should use this gift of nature regularly even at a young age. Already 7-14 days after the beginning of serum procedures, the skin will become velvety, its tone will improve, acne will erupt and pigment spots will turn pale. With sour-milk product prepare:

After a morning awakening, you can wash your face with serum every morning or use pieces of whey ice instead of water. If there is no desire to fully wash with medicinal liquid, you can wipe your face with a cotton disc with buttermilk. Several times a week it is useful to perform scrubbing with the use of whey, after which, apply a mask from this fermented milk product.

How to use milk whey for facelift?

The procedure for lifting can be carried out at home, because the action of whey on the face is very diverse. It should be remembered that only a high-quality product will give a good result. That's why it's better to start preparing the whey yourself than buying it on the market from an untested vendor. To make the contours clear and reduce the flabbiness of the skin use ice cubes. Milk whey for the face, used for morning wipes of problem areas. Still it is possible to make a compress.

Prescription means


Preparation and use:

  1. Gauze is folded into several layers, cutting out holes for breathing and eyes in it.
  2. The resulting billet is wetted in the serum and placed on the face longer, avoiding burning.
  3. After such a compress, washing is not required.

Milk whey - acne treatment

Not only in adolescence, but often in adulthood can bother the problem of acne. It is necessary to struggle with them in a complex way. Milk whey from pimples used to be very popular, but was in vain forgotten, and now this sour milk product has again been used to eliminate various problems by external and internal use. For therapeutic procedures use a variety of variations: masks, scrubs, pilling.

Scrub Recipe


Preparation and use:

  1. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Mass is applied to the face and gently massaged.
  3. The end of the procedure is washing with warm water or serum.

The recipe for a mask


Preparation and use:

  1. Grapefruit or orange is interrupted with a blender without skin.
  2. Serum is warmed and added to citrus.
  3. Using a blender, add the yolk to the mixture.
  4. The mask is applied for a time to half an hour.

Milk whey from pigment spots

Due to improper use of peeling, hormonal changes or unprotected sun exposure, the facial skin becomes covered with ugly pigment spots. Remove them is quite realistic if you regularly (daily) wipe your face with milk whey. It is best to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening.

Milk whey from wrinkles

Unfortunately, with age, the skin rapidly loses its elasticity and is covered by a network of wrinkles. To help stop this process, a facial mask from whey, using additional ingredients:

Mask with oatmeal


Preparation and use:

  1. Ingredients carefully mix, waiting for the flour to swell.
  2. Mask of milk whey to moisturize the face to put on the skin, then wash off and walk over the face with an ice cube.

Milk whey for the skin around the eyes

Despite the fact that the whey is useful for a person who is undeniable, it has its contraindications. It can not be used on thin, tender, dry skin prone. It is not recommended to use the magic elixir on sensitive areas of the dermis, especially the lips and eye area. Milk whey for the skin in this place is aggressive, because it should be used carefully, trying not to go beyond the permissible limits.