How to cook a perch?

Fish is a delicious and healthy product. How to cook a perch in a frying pan, in the oven and over the coals, read below.

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Carcasses of sea perch are washed, we clean them from scales, we extract and extract the fins. In each of them we make a transverse incision into which we insert a lemon slice. We rub the fish with pepper and season with rosemary. For sauce, mix eggs with sour cream and salt, and then stir well. The form is covered with foil and put the carcass. Each of them is poured with prepared sauce. We send the fish into the oven and at a moderate temperature bake until red.

How to cook a river perch?



Carcases of perch are cleaned of the viscera. And to make small bones do not feel, we make transverse incisions along the surface of the fish. Spices for fish are mixed with flour and makaea in this mixture prepared fish. Fry in hot oil from two sides to rouge.

How to cook the perch in the oven completely?



My fish, we clean, we remove the fins. Grind the greens, cut the plates with peeled garlic. Carcasses inside and outside are sprinkled with seasoning. From above we make cuts and insert in them plates of garlic. The abdomen is stuffed with chopped herbs, we put there slices of lemon and garlic. Each fish is placed separately on the foil. We wrap each and place it on a baking sheet. At 180 degrees bake for about 20 minutes. Then open the foil and put in the oven for another 7 minutes to make a crust.

How to cook the perch on the grill?



Defrosted my fish, cleaned from scales, remove fins, tail and head, we remove the insides. We rub the carcass with salt and spices, then carefully cover it with mayonnaise, and after that we leave it for a couple of hours. Then we spread the fish on the grate and fry over the heated coals. Bon Appetit everyone!