Succinic acid for indoor plants

Almost every house has at least one indoor plant, which not only decorates the room, but it helps to purify the air of carbon dioxide. But for pets to live on the windowsill was comfortable, they need timely and systematic care. It's not just watering and transplanting. Virtually every room plant for growth needs fertilizing with fertilizers . Today's market offers a wide variety of different fertilizers. One option may be succinic acid.

What is succinic acid for indoor plants?

Succinic acid is a white crystal or colorless, which is obtained by processing natural amber. In general, one of the main properties of succinic acid is its non-toxicity, even more - the ability to clean the soil of toxic substances and restore its microflora.

Amber acid in floriculture is used primarily as a powerful biostimulator , which not only promotes growth, but also improves the resistance of plants to various adverse effects, for example, diseases, heat, cold, inaccuracies in care (excessive humidity or drought). It is important to clarify that amber acid need not be considered fertilizer. It, on the contrary, helps plants to better assimilate fertilizers from the earth. In this case, the acid itself in room colors does not accumulate, since it is absorbed only in a limited amount. In addition, succinic acid for flowers is used as a stress adaptogen, that is, promotes better tolerance of stress during transplantation.

Application of succinic acid for indoor flowers

You can use succinic acid in the care of domestic plants in several ways. In the solution of the substance, the planting material is soaked, it is watered or sprinkled on the animals. I must say that the method of using succinic acid depends on the purpose.

In the event that the pet has a weak root system, the roots of the plant are soaked in solution for 30 minutes, a maximum of 1-2 hours. In extreme cases, the roots can be sprinkled and allowed to dry. For these purposes, prepare a weak solution, diluting in a liter of water 2-3 tablets. If you purchased acids in the form of a powder, the solution is prepared differently. In a small amount of water, dissolve 1 g of the substance. Then the volume of this solution is diluted to a volume of 1 liter. We get 1% solution. But in this form it is concentrated for indoor plants. To inhabitants of window sills the 0.02% solution of succinic acid will approach. To get it from a 1% solution, we cast 200 g, which then is brought to a volume of 1 liter by adding cold water.

So, for example, if you would like to stimulate the growth of new shoots in a room flower, it is recommended to spray the entire surface part of the trunk every two to three weeks. For this purpose, a 0.002% acid solution is used. It is prepared from 1% solution, taking 200 ml and diluting them with 10 liters of cold water.

Succinic acid can be useful for houseplants in the case when resuscitation is necessary because of the transferred stress as a result of unfavorable factors (drought, frost, direct sunlight, overmoistening). The solution is based on 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. The ready solution is poured into the atomizer and sprayed to them aboveground parts of the plant - trunk, leaves, shoots.

If any plants you grow from seeds, then succinic acid can stimulate better germination and further growth. The planting material is soaked for 12-24 hours in a 0.004% solution. It is prepared from a 1% solution of acid, a reflux of 400 ml and bringing this volume to 10 liters of water.

By the way, a ready-made solution of succinic acid is stored for no more than 3-5 days.