How to choose the right hair color?

When we want to change something in our appearance, the first thing we think about is a new hairstyle and a change in the color of the hair. Here's how to properly choose the color of hair, we today with you and talk.

How to choose the right hair color - general recommendations

What kind of hair color? Such questions are visited by us when we see in the store a rather large palette of shades of hair dye. How to choose from them the right color, suitable for 100%? To begin with, you need to carefully look at yourself in the mirror at home and note the features of your skin, its shade, the color of your eyes. For example, if you are the owner of a thin delicate skin, which often shows up a blush or if you are prone to allergies, then you should not choose red shades for the hair. They will turn your cute blush into sore red skin. If the shade of your skin is warm, then for hair it is necessary to choose cool shades of brown or champagne color, sandy or ash blond will also look good.

In addition to the skin tone, you need to consider the color of the eyes. As soon as you can find the right hair color, the eyes will immediately acquire additional brightness and clarity. For example, if you can boast bright green or hazel eyes in combination with a warm shade of skin, then the hair tone is also suitable warm - golden, reddish and red shades. If your eyes are blue, gray, blue and light skin, then they come up with light golden hues and cold ashy tones.

How to choose the right hair color by color?

ColorType is the color ratio of skin, hair and eye tones. That the shade of hair looked like an ideal natural color, it should be picked up in accordance with the color, otherwise your hair will look inappropriate, like artificial. So what are the color types and how to choose the right hair color in accordance with them?

Spring. Women of this type have a skin of warm light slightly golden hues, with a tan it is usually easy to blush. An easily appearing blush and freckles are also characteristic of them. Eyes light-blue, turquoise, sometimes brown. The hair is thin, slightly curled light warm color - amber, honey, light blond. Suitable colors of hair from golden shades of sandalwood to honey hues. If your hair is more dark by nature, then you can try the shades of mahogany or the color of autumn leaves.

Summer. The skin is of different shades, but always with a cold highlight due to closely located vessels. Tan falls easily. Eyes are gray in color or hazel-brown. Hair with a cold ashy tint without yellowness, often split. Representatives of this color type do not have black, red, copper hair and snow-white skin. And they fit the shades of wheaten color. For darker natural hair, a "black tulip" shade will do.

Autumn. This color is very similar to the spring, but the shades are more vivid. The skin is golden, it tans badly, freckles are reddish. Eyes bright - green, juicy brown hues, amber-olive. Hair thick red or with a reddish tint, often curled in large curls. The "special" women do not have black and light brown hair, as well as blue eyes. For light types a sandalwood shade fits, for dark types warm and cold shades of red.

Winter. Skin is milky-white, badly tans. Eyes are bright black, cold shades of brown, blue and gray. This color type can be contrast and non-contrast. For contrasting color types are characterized by dark brown, icy blue eyes, black hair and light, white with a bluish tint of skin. A non-contrast colorotype is distinguished by softer chocolate-colored hair, olive-gray, with a yellowish glint, skin and quads-green or olive-gray eyes. Women, belonging to the color-type winter, will approach sharp tones with a cold bluish shine. You can try cold, reddish shades. Do not experiment with any shades of red.