How to pickle bacon?

Pork fat is usually trite soli dried with a large salt or mixed with ground spices. You can do it differently: to prepare lard in brine, or pickled. When choosing the latter method, by the way, a wide open space opens up for culinary creative thought - marinades can be invented in a variety of ways. Tell you how you can taste deliciously bacon, and in which marinade.

It should be understood that the pickle is different from a simple brine with spices (or without them) by the presence of an acidic agent, sometimes sugar and vegetable oil are added to it (of course, not in our case). That is, in any case, marinade is a more complex substance compared to brine, besides, it, in some way, changes the texture of the main product. From this we will proceed.

How to pickle bacon with garlic and homemade vinegar?



Salo cut into rectangular pieces about the size of a cigarette pack.

In the boiling water in a pan, lay spices, dissolve salt and sugar. Boil for 3 minutes and cool for at least 20 minutes. Or you can cool the marinade to room temperature. We pour in the vinegar. Pieces of fat, onion rings, peeled garlic cloves and pepper, compactly and tightly placed in a container or other working container, (enameled trays or pots, as well as glass or ceramic utensils are most suitable).

Fill the lard with a marinade so that the veil is completely. Cover with a lid and place in a cool place. If the marinade is hot, you can eat lard after 3 hours, if cold - after 24 hours. Salo should not be kept in this marinade for more than 3 days, in this case, it is better to remove it and wrapped in a clean paper, store in a refrigerator.

For those who can find or prepare a clean, unsalted homemade wine (or other fruit or berry wine), we offer the following simple and original recipe.

Salo in marinade from wine at home



Take a small part of the wine (1/5, that is, 1 glass), add salt, sugar, tea and spices, cook for 3 minutes. Sugar and salt must be dissolved completely. We add the remaining wine, mix it, slightly cool this original spicy marinade and fill them with lard in the working container. Close the lid and place the container in a cool place. Done in a day. To cut such a fat thinly, first remove it, and when it drains, wrap it in paper and - into the freezer.

We serve marinated lard with coarse grain bread (preferably black), with onion rings, with garlic and greens, with mustard sauce or horseradish.