Sweat your child's legs

Sweating in childhood is often enough and many parents are worried about the question of what the feet of the baby sweat.

Why do feet persist in an infant?

In most cases, the parents of an infant begin to notice that during waking, his legs sweat. Even if the room has a comfortable temperature, the child is dressed appropriately surrounding the environment, but the legs are wet at the same time. Most often, sweating is noted in children up to one year and is the norm. Since the small child has not yet established the heat exchange.

If the baby feels comfortable, does not cry, eats well, shows no apparent anxiety, then parents need not worry.

Perspiration in children older than one year

If a child from 1 to 2 years continues to experience sweating of the feet, then parents should take a closer look at his health and seek medical advice, because in this age group, increased sweating indicates a serious illness like rickets. The most effective rickets are treated before the age of five.

If sweating persists in a child older than two years, then an endocrinologist must be consulted and a thorough check of the thyroid gland functioning.

Violation of the vascular system can also contribute to increased sweating in childhood. In this case, effectively carry out tempering, air baths, physical exercises.

If the results of the tests the child is absolutely healthy, but the legs remain sweaty, then, probably, the case is hereditary. In this case, the sweating of the legs may decrease as the child grows.

What should I do if my child is sweating heavily?

There are many ways how to help a child if his feet are sweating:

Parents should carefully consider the problem of sweating of the feet in order to exclude rickets and thyroid diseases. However, in the comfort of the child and the absence of anxiety and violation of appetite, you should not worry too much.