Diet in renal failure

Chronic kidney failure is a disease that is accompanied by such an unpleasant phenomenon as irreversible damage to kidney function. This disease corresponds to the disruption of many metabolic processes, prevents the withdrawal of final products, which leads to the accumulation of toxins and a serious disruption of the water-electrolyte balance. Diet in chronic kidney failure allows to stabilize the condition and support the body.

Nutrition for kidney failure: inhibitions

It should be noted that nutrition for chronic and acute kidney failure is built on the same principle with a slight difference: in each of the options there is a reduction in consumption of vegetable protein, a sharp restriction of salt and potassium, but in the case of acute disease, only 20 g of protein per day, and in the chronic - 40. It should be taken into account that the first strict diet option is not recommended to observe more than 25 days.

However, in any of the options, the following foods are excluded:

Many people will find it rather difficult to get used to a complete rejection of such familiar products, but in two weeks it becomes much easier.

In addition, the restriction subject to the dishes of cereals, legumes and pasta. It is possible to use only special varieties of pasta, recommended in this case. In addition, dishes from eggs, too, use limited, no more than one chicken egg a day. To the list of restrictions, you can also add milk, all dairy and sour-milk products, because they are a source of protein.

Diet in renal failure

Remember that a diet with acute kidney failure limits the consumption of protein to about one small portion per day, but in chronic course, you can afford two servings. We offer a list of products that should form the basis of your diet and make it not only useful, but also nutritious and diverse:

  1. Bread and bakery products are wheat, salt-free varieties. Avoid rye bread, it is rich in protein.
  2. Any vegetarian soups without salt, you can with vegetables, pasta or cereals.
  3. Meat and poultry dishes - only from low-fat varieties. Cooking is recommended for steaming or boiling and preferably consumed only in chopped form.
  4. Dishes from low-fat fish - boiled, baked. Can in chopped form, and can be a single piece.
  5. Dishes from vegetables and greens in cooked or fresh form.
  6. Sauces and spices are allowed, especially protein-free, dairy, tomato and all vegetable varieties. In addition, vegetable and fruit sauce prepared without using meat and mushroom broths are recommended.
  7. Drinks . Incomplete tea, herbal and dog rose broths, fruit and vegetable juices diluted with water.
  8. Vegetable fats are allowed, strict restrictions are not.
  9. Fruits, berries - both fresh and cooked. Especially recommended melon and watermelon.

Making your daily diet of these products, you can help the body to overcome the disease, and most importantly, greatly improve your own well-being, which can not be a pleasant and tempting bonus. Try to eat small portions 5-6 times a day or, at least, at least three. This approach, while observing the drinking regime, allows the organism to accustom the body to harmonious work on a schedule and positively affects the general condition.