Adenoids in the child

Adenoids are considered one of the most common childhood diseases. Most often, enlarged tonsils are found at the age of 3 to 7 years.

How to identify adenoids in a child?

Adenoids are called hypertrophy, or an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Usually parents suspect this pathology when they notice that the baby started to breathe with his mouth. The remaining symptoms of adenoids include:

What causes adenoids in childhood?

Adenoids affect children who are often ill with infectious diseases that cause inflammation of the nasopharynx and tonsils. These include angina, measles, influenza, scarlet fever. The nasopharyngeal tonsil can no longer perform its protective function and grows, because of which it accumulates pathogenic microorganisms - fungi, viruses, bacteria.

When adenoids in children, frequent ARVI causes often become a cause for the child's illness when adapting to a kindergarten collective.

Children's adenoids are dangerous for their complications in the form of deterioration of hearing, speech, sleep and bite disorders, deformation of the skull and chest. The adenoids suffering from adenoids do not have sufficient oxygen delivery to the brain, because of which its development can be slowed down.

Treatment of adenoids in children

If the child has adenoids, the methods of treatment depend on the degree of the disease. In a mild form, when the tonsils are enlarged slightly and the disease proceeds in an acute form, antibacterial preparations, electrophoresis, saline washing and antiseptics are prescribed.

Quite often parents are worried about the question, and whether it is necessary to remove adenoids. If the increase in tonsils to such an extent that it gives the child not only discomfort, but also threatens health, without surgical intervention is indispensable. Adenotomy is performed - removal of adenoids by one of the following methods:

  1. The laser. The procedure is performed painlessly and quickly on an outpatient basis.
  2. Endoscopic method.
  3. A radio wave, under the influence of which adenoids decrease at times.

In some cases, the treatment of adenoids in children with homeopathy gives good results, due to which the biochemical reactions, the absorption of oxygen by the cells and, thereby, the immunity is strengthened. The organism can independently cope with the pathogenic organisms that inhabit the tonsils. There is a filtration of the lymph of the tonsils, and they get rid of toxins and allergens. Among homeopathic remedies, such drugs as Euphorbium Compositum, Traumeel, Lymphomyosot, Echinacea Compositum are very popular.

How to treat adenoids in a child at home?

Often, after traditional medical treatment of adenoids, the problem returns, and the child is again suffering. And then Disillusioned parents turn to folk remedies for adenoids, such as propolis.

Acquired in a pharmacy water tincture of propolis must be mixed with butter. This mixture is given to the child on a daily basis half a tablespoon three times a day, and also buried in the nose 2 times a day in prone position. You can also wash your nose with a mixture of 15 drops of tincture and 1 teaspoon of soda.

Good results are obtained by rinsing the nasal passages with freshly squeezed beet juice, thai oil. Inflammation of the tonsils will remove the washing with a decoction of mother-and-stepmother's grasses, St. John's wort, heather taken in equal amounts.

However, before treating the adenoids in a child with folk remedies, it is still necessary to consult a doctor.